What breed of chick is this?


In the Brooder
Apr 16, 2016
Hi everyone. I am new here and would love some help. When I got these 2 black chicks I was told they were cuckoo Marans. I was also told they were 5 days old at the time and there is no way they were that young so I can't trust what they told me. Anyways, they are black with white feathers coming in around their neck and chest. One of them has 1 white feather on each wing. Sorry the pictures aren't that great- it was the best I could do. I would also love to know what you think about gender and age. Thank you so much!!!!!!

Definitely not Cuckoo Marans, I can't say what breed they are (I'll need better photos) but I think you have a pullet and a cockerel (again I'm not positive because I need better photos).
Honestly I think you have mixes, I'm trying to decide what kind of mix though.
X2 , mixes. Nothing is jumping out at me to any other option on breed. More or less a Birchen pattern. I think they are both cockerels though.

The age guess seems spot on. This is a picture of a 6 week old silver laced Wyandotte, hatched march 15/16. The head is similar, but the body doesn't seem to have the laced color. These are my first so I can't offer much, but hopefully the comparison is helpful! It's fun sorting it out!
I will try to get better photos later. Thank you so much for the information that you gave me. I hope I don't have a roo!
hopefully better pics! Thank you for any and all help. breed, gender and age!


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