What breed of duck is this?

Dad = khaki plus blue runner??? or is he a khaki Campbell plus blue Swedish?
Mom = The buff duck

So your baby is a khaki buff blue runner mix- or a khaki Campbell buff blue Swedish mix??
super cute!

The mama being the buff explains why your friend says the baby is buff. but Yeah, the dad was involved too lol
Oh, this could be it! I didn’t even think about her being a mix of 3 breeds. Buff Blue Khaki 🥰 I’m very excited to see her ducklings now
Perhaps I should post an update here 😅
I have ducklings! Many ducklings! And a few more on the way.

These ducklings are the result of the duck mentioned in this thread, and my Crested Pekin drake. Do you think, from the duckling coloration, Buff x Blue-Khaki is correct for my hen? Or maybe my hen is really a Buff x Blue-Rouen?




Lots of variation going on! Everyone is full siblings with each other, I’m sure of it.
The two eldest look very Pekin / Buff to me, but the youngest 3 all look like Rouens! I can tell they are a bit lighter in color than normal Rouens, though.
What do you think?
I'm always amazed at the results of crossing ducks. I know that the genetics are the reason, but the recessive genes that come through (especially in Pekins from my experience) can be surprising.
Very! I really can’t believe how different everyone looks.

So.. any idea if the mix I think their mom is is correct? Or maybe @Jenbirdee or @GirlsHuntToo knows?
I know she looks very Khaki, but I’m wondering from her ducklings if my hen is really a Buff x Blue-Rouen. Unless the Rouen-like coloration could be from something else??

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