What breed of rooster is best with children?


Mar 15, 2017
I had an old English game bantam rooster and he recently went missing. I want to get a rooster in the spring but don't know which breed I should go with. I have 3 children so I need one with a good temperament. It also gets extremely hot where I am during the summer and down to the 30s in the winter. I don't want a bantam rooster this time because I don't want predators to be able to get him as easily. Thank you for any suggestions! :)
I had an Easter Egger Rooster who was mean! I guess it just depends sometimes on the individual animal. My sister had the kindest Buff Orpington Rooster who never hurt little ones. He was huge too!! Brahmas are big and kind too!
Some breeds are more aggressive than others. Even gentle breeds will have bad apples, it depends on how you interact with said rooster. Stay away from Rhode Island Reds as they are known for aggressive roosters. Go for a Brahma, Orpington, Dominique, Cochin, Salmon Faverolles, or an Easter Egger rooster.
Unfortunately Polish are more prone to predators though, due to their large crests restricting their vision. That is one of the OP's concerns about getting a bantam, although in my opinion a game bird probably has a better time of evading predators that large fowl, especially the bigger heavier birds as they cannot fly much and are slower on the ground. If you are having problems with predators then you probably need to pen your flock or accept the losses and a rooster will really just be another meal for whatever is visiting your flock for dinner. Very few roosters will take on a predator and even fewer will survive if they do.
Any rooster can be mean. My best luck of not getting a mean rooster is getting the rooster after it full grow and hasn't been handled much. I've had a Buff Orpington, 2 different EE mixes, a Black EE, RIR, and a few others that I got full grown and had no troubles. Those I got full grown. I suggest the Buff Orpington, but they are cold-hardy and probably would get too hot. Maybe a Turken will do good. :)

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