What breeds of chickens do you have?

Same here I give away to good people who know what there doing . I'm a breeder and I don't like to sell either but do sell a few each year to put back into the upkeep of my birds. I feed the best of feed, and have nice big pens for them.
Have 4 Rhode Island reds and four sexling red mixes. I have them for eggs and I get plenty. The reds lay HUGE eggs. Love them. Oh and 1 old English rooster. He's beautiful and gets lots of well deserved compliments
I have 5 Easter Eggers, including one rooster, 6 Buff Orpington hens, and three Easter Egger X Orpington mixes. I know two are cockerels and I'm hoping one is a pullet. The one I think is a pullet had to finish hatching in an incubator after the mom just left her nest with her one baby. Subsequently, she thinks she is a human and sits on my shoulder when the other chickens come around.
I have three Barred Rocks and two Rhode Island Reds. They are all about 18 weeks old. I love the Barred Rocks - they have so much more "personality" than the Reds! They are my friendly, come-up-to-greet-you birds. The Reds tend to stand back and watch you for quite a while before they decide to check you out. I got them for eggs and possibly meat... Now I'm thinking that we may use them for just eggs. And I'm also already planning for a few more Barred Rocks next spring! Shhhhh - don't tell my husband! LOL!
I have (4) white leghorn, (2) easter egger, (1) Sicilian buttercup, (1) Indian red junglefowl, (1) brown leghorn, (1) welsummer, (1) buff chantecler, (3) roosters which are easter egger, silkie, and a silver sebright. I also have lots of baby silkies or silkie mixes, a few easter egger babies, and three Ayam cemani chicks. I started keeping chickens for eggs and now I have them for eggs and because they make great pets.
1- barred rock, 4- buff orphingtons, 2- silver wyandotts, 2- Dominique, 2-australorps, 4 ameracaunas, 1 Rhode Island Red, 7- mixed Rhode Island Reds. My favorites are the Buff Orphingtons and Ameracaunas. Least favorites, Australorps And Silver Wyandotts. I Also Have 4 Daffy Ducks.
I have 3 brahma (1 rooster and 2 hens), 1 golden laced polish rooster (in the process of getting hens for this fella), 2 cream legbar hens, and we just hatched out 16 chicks who are polish/brahma, silver spangle hamburgs, and egyptian fayoumi. I do want to eventually get some ameraucana, silkies, silver laced wyandottes, mille fleur D'uccle, and some black copper maran.
I had a starter flock of 3 ISO Browns. One died. She always had laying trouble and died egg bound we believe. At the moment I have 2- year old ISO brown, 1 lavender orpington who is about 12 weeks, 1-8 week old barred rock, 1-8 week old buff orpington, 1-8 week old silver laced Wyandotte. The Wyandotte was a slow starter and is just now starting to feather. She is very quickly catching the others though.
2017-07-28 11.14.27.jpg
She has grown 3 times her size this week alone.

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