What BYCer's have you met or want to?

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I have often wondered about a BYC convention too. Who am I exactly talking with on the computer? I have met only two BYCers, but I knew them before BYC...in fact, I introduced them to BYC. Idybityprettylidy and Blonde.
At the Michigan Chickenstock I met loads of wonderful peeps and a couple of Mods as well! I am hoping that things look up next year and I can make it. Timmy was born a premie over the weekend of chickenstock 2 summers ago and last year last minute change of plans prevented me from being in 2 places at once. I really want to make it this year tho!
Haven't met any BYCers yet but would love to. If I had the time and money I would go to a convention! Just have make sure I get enough sleep so Boyd or Q9 wouldn't mistake me for a zombie. Just kidding, a convention would be a good idea.
There are so many I would love to meet.

Tanichca (I might be able to meet her someday. If we ever meet up at a Marian conference.
Which, woulc be awesome!)

There are probably more, but I'm afraid it might be akward.
No fear, I know a zombie when I see one

Seriously though, with family in Texas it won't be long till I am attending chickenstocks (and planning my vacations) to see both friends and family
But who is going to chickensit while I'm at the BYC convention?

There are lots of folks I'd like to meet from reading their posts and pics. (and some I'd rather not)

I have utilitarian dual purpose mutts; I am greatly amused (?) by the artsy-craftsy fuffypuffy treehugging feathered pet owners. While I'm at the convention discussing the finer arts of brain sticking pithing or how silkies make the best chicken soup.........................
I have met Morgan7782, HHandbasket and Farmer Lew on my own. I encountered Nifty (Himself!), cherylcohen, Orpington Manor, jeremy, and a bunch more who attended the October 2010 Bay Area Fest at cherylcohen's house.

I WANT to meet MFB, gritsar, Imp, redhen, Wynette, wolftracks, sourland, Happy Chooks, the Sheriff, Ridgerunner, Opa..... oh gosh I'm gonna leave out somebody and I don't mean to... but at least y'all are at the top of my list!
You're on my list too!

Nifty needs to arrange a HUGE BYC convention somewhere... (someone tell him so..
well I don't know anyone on this forum well enough yet, but I did learn my neighbor visits this forum but I do not know her username. She's the one that got me fascinated by chickens in the first place!
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