What BYCer's have you met or want to?

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bluesub, BrattishTaz, deerman, eenie114, erner, gritsar, HorseFeatherz, Imp, Junkmanme, KristyHall, Q9, redhen, sourland, Spookwriter, Tanichca....Oh and 505...my thread hi-jack victim.
Ahem... the middle Tennessee BYCers routinely get together to eat and chat. We are all just the most interesting people you could ever meet.
The first meet up had 20-25 people show up. Since I expected maybe 5 to come it was quite the shock. We had a blast. I believe there were margaritas involved.

If you ask nice we will let you all come play with us next time we schedule a party.

I do think there should be an annual BYC convention. We could do east coast one year and west coast the next. Or perhaps something smack dab in the middle of the country so we can all meet. OR A CRUISE!!!!!!!
...just dashing in and out again, to mention I forgot I have met SunnyDawn, when I bought two POL Lakenvelders from her when she was down-sizing her flock a year or so ago........
Lets see, not sure if I can remember everyone, but I've met Em of course, as we are close friends in the "real world" too, Sir bird (Who is a riot in person too.
, Rosto, KristyHall, WickedNerd, ChinaDollGreen, Farm Maven, and...


Ok, I'm drawing a blank on names.

I know several BYC folks have bought from us here on the farm and at the swaps and flea markets, just can't for the life of me remember their BYC names. Same for all the folks I gave chicks to in the Alabama tornados. I'm terrible with names.

There are soooo many on here I would love to meet, it would take way too long to list them all, but a few are like family already just from all our PMs and emails to each other. Sourland and Spook I'm sure are my brothers... just have to be.

Would love, love, love to meet the great Imp, Gritty has a bad habit of scaring me
but would love to meet her and Keith. Red, Taz and and Cindiloohoo (We've spoke on the phone, does that count?) would get me in trouble.
Gryeyes is my angel. Wynette and Bayoupoules are kindred spirits.
The youngers like Tani, Mitch, eenie and 505. Lots of others like Wolftracks, Ridgerunner, Bob Blosl, Pine Grove, Happy Chooks, Darkmatter, Saladin, Kathyinmo, Bluesub, Deerman, Easttxchick, Arabianequine.

I know as soon as I hit "submit" I'll remember 10 more... but ok.

edited because... I was right.
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I could easily meet Mississippifarmboy. Lol. It's like a 45 minute drive. Anyway, I'd like to meet debiraymond in her infinite wisdom. She taught me a lot of crap when I started out. Taz for being... Taz. *snicker*

Deerman for his mastery in just about everything. PeepsCA so someone can teach me how to tell male and female guineas apart from appearance.

Meh. My list could go on.
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