What can't they eat???!?!?!?

DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT feed your dogs raisins or grapes!!!!!!!! They are VERY poisonous and can kill them! We know quite a few people who have lost their dogs this way.
my chicks are like vultures they are eating my zucchini plant, im afraid they will eat my cucumber plant as well. Trial and error i guess i'll find out , first time owner. im realy enjoying the satisfaction of owning these little hens. i am looking forward to my egg production in the near future.
My chicken goes up to my guinea pigs' outdoor cage and puts her head through the cage bars and steals the pellets and lettuce and she's happy
Our chickens pretty much eat everything and anything. Cat food is their preferred treat and will run the cats off from the food bowl to have their share. Kind of weird but all our birds are healthy and happy and active and laying very nice large quality eggs for us so ... onions can give eggs an off taste and our chickens don't tend to eat them. They don't like carrots or bready things like pancakes and blueberries tend to be left behind. Strawberries and tomatoes are their favs.

On the dog note, chocolate and onions are the only substances that are actually toxic to a dog ... my mom's a vet. Grapes can cause dogs to form crystals in the kidneys. Just saying ...
When they are young chicks, I'd say don't feed them much of anything except their high protein chick starter. Anything you feed will lower the protein content and necessitate giving them grit to grind it up. Now, a teaspoon of plain yogurt every now and again for probiotics won't hurt, but they don't need grit for that.

In general, anything too fibrous, like raw potato skins or the spines of lettuce are asking for trouble. Now, some things can be cooked and then okay, but an old saying is "The better for basket weaving, the worse for chicken keeping" in regard to hard-to-break-down fibrous stuff. Remember, though, growing youngsters need that protein so watch out for "treats".
My chickens love grapes, the leaves off our grapes, raisins, almost anything, the only things they won't eat is carrots, green beans, and bananas,and strawberries and raspberries, mine love the blueberries, tomatos, sweet corn, and plain yogurt, lettuce.

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