What chicken breeds are commonly found in the middle of the pecking order?

I have two small flock, each 5 hens. This one is somehow funny, i realized that two Maran are quite on the top (didn't figure out yet which is the top of the top :p), two Araucana in the middle,and the Padovana/Polish at the bottom. Another flock are Leghorn --> Lohmann Brown --> Padovana/Polish at the bottom again.

True, some breeds are more likely to be at the bottom of the pecking order, but it is also very individual to the bird. One of my silkies is the lead hen of my mixed flock, which includes leghorn mixes, wyandottes, polish and others. She puts them all in their place. 😊
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I have two small flock, each 5 hens. This one is somehow funny, i realized that two Maran are quite on the top (didn't figure out yet which is the top of the top :p), two Araucana in the middle,and the Padovana/Polish at the bottom. Another flock are Leghorn --> Lohmann Brown --> Padovana/Polish at the bottom again.

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I was thinking about getting another maran, they are pretty hard to find where I live.
I was thinking about getting another maran, they are pretty hard to find where I live.
I love Marans! I’m getting two new ones here this week. I find they tend to be in the middle of the pecking order so might be a great choice for you, if you can find some!😊

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