what chickens still laying?

tuesdays chicks

9 Years
Apr 26, 2010
stuart florida
Just wondering what kind of chickens are still laying without artificial light? My Buff Orpington just stopped 3 days ago, My bantam brahma is still laying, at least she was yesterday, too early to tell today, and my other 2 bantams stopped because of harmones in october,
they are slowing down here- but, the BR, BA, EE's are still laying- i don't do artificial light, I figure they need the rest-

my girls appear to all still be laying at this point ( I have Speckled Sussex, Delaware, EE, and Red sex link)-though some one has slacked off a little, not sure if it's the Delaware or the SS. No artificial light here either (though maybe in the future).
I have two Ameraucana pullets that started laying only a month ago and a SLW that started laying only a week ago. I am hoping that the rest of my pullets start laying too since they have all started laying in the shorter daylight months but we will see. I do not use additional light either. The Ameraucanas are eight months old and the Wyandottes are six months old.
10 hens and we consider it a good day if our RIR lays an egg. I can't wait for them to get up to speed again - I had to BUY eggs for Thanksgiving. ~gasp~
The mysterious egg my GLW hatched is, unfortunately, a rooster. He started crowing a few days ago.

From my 6 hens I'm still getting 4 eggs a day. 1 GLW, 1 Brown Leghorn, 1 California White and 3 Cherry Eggers. Deviled eggs are on tomorrow's menu and I have plenty. The only eggs I'll need today are for the pumpkin pie.
We don't use artificial light and are getting 4 to 6 eggs a day from our 7 pullets. The oldest is 8 months old. We have 2 Barred Rocks, 1 Black Australorp, 1 Golden Sex Link, 1 Easter Egger, and 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes. I have been writing the dates on the eggs with pencil and laid them all out because I didn't think that one of the SLWs was laying yet at around 29 weeks. We finally caught Beauty in the nest box laying an egg yesterday so we know we have all 7 laying. The older 4 have been laying 4 days out of 5. Even at 4-5 eggs a day, we have had plenty of eggs but I'm trying to save some up for holiday baking in December. I do not want to have to buy eggs. Ours are so much better!
My light brown leghorn is going to be laying for the first time any time now. She just mated this morning. My white leghorn still isn't showing any signs of being ready yet. When she does, it will be her first too. So I have later laying birds, and no artificial light.
My BSL is laying everyday. SLW about 2/wk. BO 2/wk. RIR has gone on strike....they're 1 yr., 3 months old! will barely have enough for thanksgiving!! Sooo, there are 3 new one wk. old EE's in the brooder.....(addicted).

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