what chickens still laying?

From my 11 girls, I am getting 6 or 7 a day still. It's definitely winter here in Utah. I'm pleased with this and say so every night when I lock them in.
thanks everyone I thought it would be neat to see what breeds still keep steady without the added light, I guess My BO hen has just petered off a bit because she gave us an egg today, my dutch bantam gave us an egg today too after being broody then molting so she stopped laying for just under 2 months so it worked out good.
I'm getting 3-4 per day from three Buff Orpington and two Barred Plymouth Rock hens, so they're slowing down, but still laying plenty for the two of us. This is their first winter, so we'll see how they do. -Wendy
My 3 BA, 2 of the RIR's and one SS pullet are steady laying every other day. One RIR, one EE, and 3 BO's are molting, no eggs from them for weeks. One EE, now 18 months old, laid eggs for 3 months then took a 5 month vacation. She restarted in August then started molting in September. Unless she has changed from an olive egger to a brown egger she is the least egger of the flock.
My Isa's are doing ok (7), but my 2 SLW's & 3 White Leghorns are slow. I put a light in on a timer Yesterday & got 8 eggs & got 6 today. Prior to that I was getting 3-4 a day
I've got 26 Black Stars, 2 SS, 2 RIR 4 Golden Comets, one WR and an EE laying right now--getting 30 to 32 eggs a day. All are first year layers and the EE just started this week--still wait for her 3 sisters. They're getting 15 hrs of light.

ETA, in case you're wondering to my numbers I also have 2 EE's and a BS that are 5/6 years old and haven't laid since spring plus an EE rooster that probably won't lay at any rate.
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