What color are YOUR Easter Egger's eggs?

@Alexandra33 has some beautiful pictures of her green and blue easter egger eggs. I am so jealous of how gorgeous they are! Maybe she'll share them with everyone, although it might make others jealous as well
You are too kind, @sophiaw00 !

Above: An olive-green EE egg along with a blue egg from our Cream Legbar for comparison. We might have an EE who lays blue, but her first couple eggs haven't exactly revealed specifically what color they'll be.

This came from one of our EEs. Green with a blue swirl. Pretty cool, huh?

The EE egg on the right isn't actually olive like it appears, but a nice mint green.

Sorry I know this is an old thread....but I'm really excited as I just got 2 EE eggs yesterday for the very first time... and I've got an Araucana cross roo to thank for.. he was apparently an "long/extended" out-cross offspring .. ie. the breeder said she got Araucanas 20 years ago and she didn't even say think he was gonna yield blue eggs... so I wasn't expecting these colours...

Ok I finally took the time to separate my EE/OE eggs for a pic. We have 3 EE & 3 OE, but one of our OE lays cream/white eggs, which i actually don’t mind since it’s a color no one else lays. The blue/turquoise/mint/Olive eggs are here. Both OE lay olive, the 3 EE lay blue, turquoise & mint.
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Gorgeous!!!! We’re 50 Shades of Brown here lol. Can’t wait for some new colours! Soooooon please…. She’s probably double this pink now 🤞🏼

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