what color is my hen?


6 Years
Jan 24, 2013
Wittmann az
Hi, I have a Black Minorca/Deleware hen. She has gold tipped feathers on her neck. I was wondering what the official coloring is called. I know that the pattern is not mottled, but very uniform, and each colored feather has gold on the outer edge of an otherwise black feather. She is my best layer, and I have some of her eggs crossed wth my White Leghorn rooster in the bator. Any ideas what chicks might looklike?


It's hard to say what the chicks will look like. I think there is any number of possibilities.
I think the prettiest ones I've ever crossbred was my OEGB/Black-tailed white jap bantam roo with my OEGB and BPW. Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of those progeny that I can find.
Here are a few of my crossbred birds:

Buff Orpington/Brahma

Your leghorn roo will throw mostly white babies no matter what you cross him with. That's my understanding of dominate white, anyway.
Your leghorn roo will throw mostly white babies no matter what you cross him with. That's my understanding of dominate white, anyway.

Yup. Tetra tints are a leghorn/australorp cross and are primarily white with black leakage. Your chicks will likely be very similar.

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