What color is this kitty cat?

He has a round little belly, probably from food or parasited or both. I'm hoping i can take him to the vet asap. Is 1.5 pounds underweight? lol I'll use the chart...
Wait a minute... You said he might be six weeks; wouldn't that mean that he still needs milk? Or does the kitten food come formulated with everything that he needs, nutrition wise?
Wait a minute... You said he might be six weeks; wouldn't that mean that he still needs milk? Or does the kitten food come formulated with everything that he needs, nutrition wise?
He may not be completely weaned, so it may be best to get some kitten formula to supplement the food. I doubt you'll have to bottle feed him, he can probably drink it from a dish. Some kitten foods are basically marked up versions of adult cat food, with maybe one or two ingredients added in. He's close to weaning age, though, so he may be fine without milk

As far as weight, 1.5 pounds can be fine, but if his bones are prominent, he may be a bit underweight. If he was a stray or born to a stray, I almost guarantee he has worms. I think every stray or feral I've ever found had worms.
When I pet him I can feel his bones, like his hips. They aren't visible, but they feel very pointy. It's just his belly that's a little too much:p
When I pet him I can feel his bones, like his hips. They aren't visible, but they feel very pointy. It's just his belly that's a little too much:p
Fur sometimes covers the bones so they're not visible, even though they are easily felt. It may be the worms that are keeping him from gaining enough fat storage. He's too young for any OTC dewormers that I know of, so you may have to take him to the vet, or at least call and ask what they recommend for a 6 week old kitten
I'm trying to arrange a vet appointment for him. I really look forward to taking him. He is now 2 pounds!
His coat isn't very soft. I looked this up and people associate it with malnourishment. They then describe how switching to raw help significantly. This must be true, since cats are in fact carnivores! I know there are the risks of disease and contagions, but: cats are usually immune, right? Also, certain meats (like pet meat or meat we get at stores to cook) are usually decontaminated before given up for eating. And I'm sure they have alternatives that aren't exactly raw, but provide the same things for cats, right? Maybe dried or something? I just don't like to feed him cheap fry food and cans from walmart; I want good meals for him every day. I was also considering raw for my Carmella, hoping they have meats for my babies in some fridge in petco (???) I just want healthy pets
Additional: or homemade kitten meals if anyone has experience, has it gone well, do you suggest it and if so how do I make it?
Second additional: can he use puppy shampoo? I got that for Carmella. I also got Cherish a collar and catnip spray (he's going crazy now... what am I saying he's always crazy lol)

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