What color is this kitty cat?

I gotcha... And insurance for a kitten? Lol almost makes him sound like an item, but I'll look into that. I heard about that blockage with my male persian, he still was fed dry-_- The cat that scratched my sister in the face:-( Well now I have Cherish and I want him to have a chance. Vet, raw food and trimming claws and everything will be alright^-^

Pet insurance is basically like human health insurance, but for your pets. If you don't want to do that, a carecredit card is a good alternative (if your vet accepts it, check first!). They don't charge interest for the first few months after the initial charge. It comes in handy!
Oooh lol didn't think of it that way
For Cherish's raw diet, I am referring to this website:
Doesn't mention about fruits or veggies. I keep doing research, and keep coming across fruits and veggies being a big portion of their diets due to the stomach contents of their prey. For example, 12%... Their prey can't have THAT much plant content in their stomachs... can they? I know it won't hurt to give a bit of veggies here and there along with his meals, but I don't think it is necessary to literally make 12% of his everyday diet consist of plant matter. What do you guys think?
Also there are articles that say not to grind up their food... Why not? I think it would be much simpler if I measured the ground contents to get accurate measurements, as opposed to trying to measure chunks of chicken using a measuring cup
I know that cats can have improved oral health by eating whole prey, but is there an alternative? I don't want to try brushing my kitty's teeth, and he can't have dry food, so how would I go about making sure that he has healthy teeth?
URGENT: He's gone
my best hope is that he pushed through the door (instead of being stolen). I'm scared he won't come back because he was a stray, but when I brought him in he seemed so scared; he purs and plays with me, I just thought he was happy. I put out a can of food, he has a collar without ID but it might fall off, and I plan on making posters, craigslist ads and possibly telling a local shelter. Please any suggestions? Is there any chance that he will come home?
Sorry to hear this!

Can you set a have a heart trap for him with some tuna fish or wet cat food in it? Are you sure he is not in the house somewhere hiding?
He was kept on our patio (I think that's what it's called) because we have young kids in the house and my parents haven't taken him and me to the vet... I found the door unlocked, and it's not a very strong door. Also my chihuahua behaves strangely around the tiny kitten. I feel so bad!
We're in South East region, so it's warm over here. How long should I keep my hopes up? Is there any chance that he will come home, since he is so young and used to be in the wild? I want to set up one or two humane traps with food to see if I can catch him. Other than that, I don't know how I can get him to come back to me. It would be different if he were an adult - skilled, smart, understands where shelter and food is - but he is only about two months old and hasn't been with me for long. Will also post on craigslist, make flyers and keep checking local shelter lost and found (their website says they will only help if you show proof of ownership... just brought him in!!!-_-)
Maybe more info will help... I found him under one of our cars out back, and keep checking there. Should I put a trap there? Or food and water? He then ran into this pile of branches. Should I put a trap there as well? Our house is surrounded by tall grass, weeds, burrs and other plants. He might hide in there as well; maybe even under our shed. Past all that is barely used roads, canals, tall trees and the neighbors. The weather is hot, so I don't know if he is hiding in shade or only comes out at night, or if he will hide forever. I don't even know where he was before I brought him home; He was meowing like crazy no matter how much food he got, had two ticks on his neck, no fleas, no collar... I can't be sure if he was a stray or feral but he opened up pretty quickly. He had toys, cuddles, food, water and a nice bed and litterbox. Big one: shade from year-round summer weather. Why would he run off? When will he forget about all that he had with me, since he is so young and we only had him since October 25th? (about 2 weeks)
You've had him for a while now, so he knows that your house = food. Cats have excellent navigation, and often find their way home from very long distances. I use to have an ex-feral cat who had established a large territory around our house. Being ex-feral, he did not like to stay inside. There were quite a few times that he ran off for a week, and came home completely unharmed because we were his constant easy food source. Check cars - including wheel wells and under the hood - before starting it, as cats find cars to be quick and easy shelter. Don't be quick to give up on the kitten! It's likely he'll come back to where he knows is safe :)

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