What color is this rooster?



Dec 10, 2021
Amelia, Virginia
This guy is a black tailed red maran from Cackle… but. What do you call his color and what gene would cause this expression? I think it might be a dilute gene to change the red to cream but I’m not sure.
He is a black-tailed red golden. By golden I mean he is heterozygous for silver. Not seeing a trace of dominant white on him though.
He is e^wh/e^whDb/DbMh/MhS/s+
agree with you he hasn t got any dominant white because his tail is black ,
if he has dominant white gene even one copy his tail will be white or almost white .
here a photo of one of my rooster .white copper marans ,( black copper with one dominant white copy . need more copper on the hackle and saddle ) his tail is almost white not pure black.

chooks man
Yeah, I thought Cuckoo would be silver but an odd choice. Birchin, possibly because they have the Columbian gene? I don't know if Marans are Recessive or Dominant White, but I know Orps can be gold or silver-based under the white.

It's just odd/puzzling to see such an atypical bird some out of a flock or Black-tailed Red Marans without saying it's a mix and not pure.
Birchen doesn't have the Columbian gene. They're just a straight forward pattern like duckwing or wheaton.
Not a lot of extras going on so wouldn't be a terrible choice. Well except that whole silver thing :confused:
Birchen is the silver version of BCM.
Whites are Recessive and could hide everything.

I used to raise BCM and was trying to use everything with the most color to get more females with more color in the hackles. I hatched and raised a male that had a completely colored chest instead of the black.
Used to be a Marans guy here that was creating patterns in Marans. @Chooks man you still around?
He said that rooster of mine would be great for a black tailed buff project.
Maybe he can shed some light here.
Birchen doesn't have the Columbian gene. They're just a straight forward pattern like duckwing or wheaton.
Not a lot of extras going on so wouldn't be a terrible choice. Well except that whole silver thing :confused:
Birchen is the silver version of BCM.
Whites are Recessive and could hide everything.

I used to raise BCM and was trying to use everything with the most color to get more females with more color in the hackles. I hatched and raised a male that had a completely colored chest instead of the black.
Used to be a Marans guy here that was creating patterns in Marans. @Chooks man you still around?
He said that rooster of mine would be great for a black tailed buff project.
Maybe he can shed some light here.
Yes ma friend I m around same thread international black copper Marans. How you doing.
Chooks nan
I'm doing good, man. Glad to see you're still here.
Seems so many of the old times members that knew stuff have disappeared.
Glad some are still hanging around. I take it you're still working with the Marans, huh?
Yes my friend always Marans in my yard. Building new farm up north far from the cold.
How about you man . What are you working with now?
Yeah lot peoples old crew left .
We have to teach the new peoples how to do stuff. They need our help and knowledge .
Chooks man

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