What color is this satin silkie?


In the Brooder
Feb 1, 2023
What color would this satin silkie be?


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Interesting. I’m not sure it would be considered a penciled… but to be honest not sure on anything haha. Why do you say hen?
It’s because she’s young. The pencilled pattern appears more like barred in young pullets. Because this pattern is similar to the natural gender dimorphism, males would already be very different at this stage, they don’t show penciling and have black underbellies. I’ll try to find some photos to show you.
Couldn’t find any good photos for satins but have some for dark Brahmas (not mine).
this is the pullet, see how the pattern is more horizontal than lining around the feather. They have a bit more black, but this will just be slight differences in he expression in the different breeds.
this is an adult hen, delicately pencilled, and I assume the satin will develop similarly, though not this perfect as they haven’t had all the selective breeding for this beautiful pencilling.
cockerels at the top, pullet at the bottom. Forgot that males do have the pencilling when young, but you can see the difference in feather shape and pattern distribution. The more I think, the less certain I am that yours is female (because it’s a little young for the differences to be so obvious), but I’m 90% happy to say so.

Hope this helps.

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