What color Maran? Mystery chick!! Blue Variety?


9 Years
Feb 21, 2010

Parents are: Blue, Blue Copper, and Black hens, with Blue Copper and Blue Copper Splash roos covering hens. There is cuckoo and golden cuckoo genetics in my blue hens immediate background, from last couple years projects. I possibly even had some birchen and didnt know it, as some cuckoo roos looked abit off to me and was sold to me as silver cuckoo. Any ideas?? She is a lovely golden/blue color... pic doesnt show enough of the blue tho, kinda dark.
A tad bit more info: Last season i used my blue splash rooster that has abit of copper on his neck...and did a project with my hens, to just see if i would get blues out of cuckoo, black, golden cuckoo and blue copper hens, and solid golden/wheaten. To my surprise...i did get solid pretty chicks...and also some blue coppers. I was getting blue even from my cuckoos, which shocked me. There was also a golden cuckoo maran that was beautiful and so light, his barring appeared blue...so i think the offspring from him that was golden and silver cuckoo did have blue genetics. So with all that said... i am wondering if the mystery chick is possibly a golden blue cuckoo?? I honestly dont know what to call it...if that is even a color in the marans. Thanks in advance... Francie
It looks sort of wheaten with some blue leaking through, but...

If you're playing around and mixing your colors up (which is FUN) it is not a standard color. Just pretty :)
Thank You!! I have been actually just trying to get blue, blue copper, and blue splash and some blacks... never thot wheaton or other colors would still show up!! LOL And looking at pics of the wheatons...and having wheaton and blue wheaton Ameraucauna's in the past...the color is similar!! In the past i had some mystery hens we hatched out of..i assumed they were solid gold or of the golden cuckoo variety... i believe those hens were wheaton now. I had acquired birds from a breeder that got eggs from overseas off and on...so could be anyone's guess.

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