What color will this runner duckling grow up to be? Is that a crest?

By the way, the reason I may not be keeping her is not that I dislike her colors, just that I like the trout color more. But the trout girl is already the least tame of the girls so I don't want to also keep the second-least tame (this girl) unless she's really pretty to me. As of now I might be keeping the second-most tame, the white girl. (I dislike the color of the most tame, the mallard color, they're pretty in drakes, but not in ducks).
My Fawn and White Runners last year were all yellow as ducklings. Their feet and their bills were a little more orange yellow, but they had no stripes or spots at all. They got their first brown feathers on their bellies and i thought they were dirty… :lol:
I think your duckling is a mix between Runner and another breed, probably Rouen, Mallard or Khaki Campbell.
Lol I thought mine were dirty too! My 2 yellow ducklings are getting the brown feathers too, so anxious to see what color they will end up :). I though they were gonna grow up to be white, so a bit surprised!

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