What could i reasonably sell these for?

offering them for free pretty much is a guarantee that they will be eaten. A reasonable/fair fee will probably eliminate this. Frozen goose here is around $55. I'd price them each right around that if you want to ensure they won't be eaten.

But I don't have a clue what prices are in Canada
I agree with stony,
I ended up selling them to a person near Belleville, Ontario for $200 and I sent her lots of photos to make sure she knew what she was getting. The picture here is photoshopped to make it lighter since is was taken at night in my barn, the seller and I both determined that we think they are purebreds, even of they are not show quality, and I have been feeding them my expensive organic duck/goose feed so that bumped the price, for when they are suppose to be sleeping at night they sure eat a lot ;)
I ended up selling them to a person near Belleville, Ontario for $200 and I sent her lots of photos to make sure she knew what she was getting. The picture here is photoshopped to make it lighter since is was taken at night in my barn, the seller and I both determined that we think they are purebreds, even of they are not show quality, and I have been feeding them my expensive organic duck/goose feed so that bumped the price, for when they are suppose to be sleeping at night they sure eat a lot
congrats! and good for you!

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