What did you do in the garden today?

It's raining again.
Lost another hen. Although this time she just dropped dead. She was a 9 month old broiler hen that got mixed in with my layer chicks. She was supposed to be butchered at 6 weeks old, but I didn't have the heart. She was HUGE. I now she was having trouble with the heat, but it wasn't warm today. I just don't think she was genetically wired to live to 9 weeks old, having been bred for food. She could have also been egg bound. She regularly laid Goose size eggs. DH didn't check before he disposed of her for me.

Oh well.

Back down to 20 + 4 chicks.
Good morning gardeners. The vegetables are growing. I think the tomato plants are lagging a bit. Might need more fertilizer. The temperatures are getting warmer so that should help as well. The peas are doing very well and I should be starting to pick in a few days. I’m at the car repair shop now waiting to find out why my check engine light came on. Hopefully it’s something minor as I need to get to the farm store to pick up some scratch. Have a great day everyone.
Good morning, everyone! I am back from vacation, and am adjusting to my normal routine again after a week of tropical weather.
My wonderful neighbor took care of our animals and my garden. I came back to find she had even trimmed the tops of my tomato plants that had gotten too tall and spindly while I was gone. My potato plants may not do much...the stems are all laying ovet, but they haven't even flowered yet.

My ground cherries have started ripening, and we ate a few this morning. My deck planters that my husband made had crazy growth in the plants over the past week!

The disappointing thing is that my roma tomatoes that were just starting to get big when we left all have blossom rot! ☹ I had checked the pH of the soil before we left and it was good. I even added egg shells to the soil. Very disappointed.

I came back to eight ripe peaches on the peach tree! They are small, and four of them had holes from bugs, so I gave those to the chickens. The other four are perfect and tasty! Very pleased for a second year peach tree! Something, most likely deer, ate all the bottom limbs of my second year apple trees. Argh! I usually spray it with Repel All once a week, but it rained the day after we left, so the deer took advantage.
I planted a few days ago, no joke, multiplier potato onions that have sat in our upper kitchen cupboard for over two yrs in a paper lunch bag. Planned on replanting them last yr and forgot. None of them rotted, some of the really small ones dried up to just a ball of paper. When I opened the bag I was like dang! They are still good I think! Could slice them up and eat them. Broke up the bunches and planted them, quite a few of them have multiple onion sprouts popping up! They looked good but I wasn't sure beings even the roots dried up and fell off. Must be the longest keeping onions by far. I'll take some more pics once they all start growing, just super shocked by these little suckers.
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That's awesome, when I first started gardening I didn't know they would turn to paper, saved those shallots 3 years before I had a place to plant them. :th

Thank you.
60 is kinda’ hard to swallow.
I think I’m having a mid-life crisis.
Wait ... I’m not going to live to be 120! Well Maybe in dog years. :th
Right? 30 was no biggie, 40 was meh, 50 has me thinking that I need to brace myself. Happy Belated Birthday!

Have lots of dirt and lots of gently used new pots! Gonna plant stuff! :yesss:
We're headed from the wet cooler right into a dry oven. This week will be humid, mostly rain free, and in the 90s. I'm hoping the tomatoes love it. I still have several that look terrible.

I need no wind to spray the orchard, so am hoping for tomorrow.

I pulled a few weeds from the garden today.

Think I'll take advantage of lower humidity and 80s to switch out irrigation heads and mend cattle fencing. Maybe.
Sorry it’s a bit bouncy.
So today I found a cute little pack rat. It had stashed about 2lbs. of pellets the cucumbers from yesterday (I couldn’t figure out why there were no skins to pick up) a nice nest.
I was tying up my grape vines and I heard this ... peck,peck,peck. Did a head count all the chickens were with me. I followed the sound and found it. The thing I’m most upset about is that the blue lizards (male & female) have lived under and raised their babies under there for the last 6 years. :hit
I transplanted my mums before it got too hot. Looks like I have carrots coming up.
Hubby just brought home a rat trap. The rat’s not big enough to trip my live trap. For for some reason I’d like to release it elsewhere. I’m thinking if there were more of them (elsewhere) the Hawks would hunt~elsewhere.
After 4days of high winds today is beautiful.
Happy Gardening :wee
*Thanks @Searsmom *
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awww....but they're not allowed to live there.

weeded the garden a little, cleaned and refilled all the water buckets and stock tanks.

Cleaned out all the broody cages since all the prisoners have been paroled.

Swept up my woodworking mess in the workshop and oiled and waxed the bottom of the new loom.

Giant dehydrator is full of blueberries...already on hour 21. good grief!

Need to figure out dinner.
Finally found the missing beet seeds! planted them where I had to rip out the Daikon Radish that were bolting. Yes, it is getting hot, but planted in the garden row that is the first to get shade. So, morning sun until mid afternoon. Hopefully they will like it!
Butternut squash I purchased at the garden center is growing like gangbusters and vining all over. Whereas the butternut squash I started from seed isn't even vining yet - it looks like a bush right now. Tomatoes - only some plants have baby green tomatoes, some have flowers, no tomatoes. They should have plenty of Ca with the amendments I added along with the tomato specific fertilizer.

Otherwise, rain today - maybe some storms. Then looks like it will be hot and humid for several days!

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