What did you do in the garden today?

I used some reusable shopping bags to plant some seeds because I am not going into a store to go buy pots. I figured I might as well use something that we already have on hand.

We are going to move our other 4x4 garden bed tomorrow and start planting seeds in that too.

Our buttercrunch lettuce has been growing like crazy.

Don't mind the mess I didn't clean up 😂

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They're colorful, I like it!! What did you plant FC?
Do keep us updated, with rabbits and chickens I intend to not stink out our neighbors.
Will do!!! We have a lot of plastic bins lying around so I think I’m going to use some of those and put them in bins. Maybe put some directly in the compost pile but I think it might still be too cold for them. We’ll see haha

We just have chickens right now but I would love rabbits!!

I do put the chicken litter in the compost pile though, poop and all, but the shavings usually take forever to breakdown. We have a separate pile of wood chips though that we chipped up in the fall and I think those tend to break down faster than the shavings cause of the various particle sizes and stuff.

The current pile was taking forever to break down and none of vegetables or anything were really breaking down at all despite being on there a while but I just turned it/flipped it over yesterday and buried some of the scraps in doing so so hopefully that helps. Wish the chickens would go scratch it up but they are afraid to go up there. It used to be closer to the coop but we moved it.
The big pieces of vegetable can take a long time. I'm watching for a cheap used chipper/shredder to break the stuff into smaller pieces. I once saw a dry mounted garbage disposal mounted on a bench...that was years ago but I think that would be ideal.
Oh wow that sounds really cool!!! Maybe I could chop some of it up in our blender before putting it out in the pile or bug bins haha
Aloha garden gang,
Been busy with bagging and selling the last of our horse poop, finishing up sanding and poly-ing steps, Primed and painted stringers, playing with chickens, watering, laundry, washing trucks inside and out and as always, cooking and cleaning.
Love the seedlings all. I'm so glad you all have better weather and can get your garden on. I may also play a little in the garden this eve when it cools- switching tall frames for short ones and versa vise. My tomatoes are still producing, though not pretty and have scale, I've got another 30 toms ++ on them.
One of the few remaining wild hens laid her first egg in our coop. It was the smallest chicken egg I have ever seen. I fed it to my DH lol.

Have a great day all!!!
I am still tiptoeing with the idea of planting them as there is no rhyme or reason where we lilve. Everything roams at its own pace and appetite -- I don't dare plant something I would care about. However, I did find this which I might try -- it leaves me a bit hopeful https://www.bhg.com/gardening/veget...an-grow-a-potato-plant-from-a-regular-potato/
I used the eyes from my store bought potatoes when I planted my potatoes! With the covid gardening craze I couldn't find any seed potatoes or any onion sets.

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