What did you do in the garden today?

Cleaned out greenhouse beds and put starts out on shelves in the greenhouse. I have been taking them outside everyday and back in at night, Hopefully the wildly fluctuating temperatures wont do them in. I also did round two of my seed sewing of vergitables that will go into the outside garden. Yesterday I did a lot of weeding in some of my poppy areas and flower beds,so I made this little videos of my Poppies .
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Great video, what a happy little flower. Love all the colors. Do those last any longer than standards.?
Tilled up my pepper patch for my habanero and ghost peppers. Planted some more grape and beefsteak tomatoes.
What do you do with the ghost peppers? I am trying the Trinidad scorpion this year. I'll probably only use it to make pepper vinegar. I like the very hots, IDK if I'll care much for the insane hots.
Great video, what a happy little flower. Love all the colors. Do those last any longer than standards.?
I have poppies almost all year. This is thier favorite time and my 2.5 acres is ablaze. But if you give them a little supplemental water during the summer they will keep going. They are not as loaded with flowers but still very pretty. I love the lacy, mint green foliage. Mine bloom from Early Feb to late November. If you keep the weeds away from them the bushes can get quite large and do not die back. They re bloom every year and keep gettin larger. I have lots of mulch on the ground to help keep weeds at bay, I weed around the plants until they eventually choke out the weeds as shown in this picture. Here I have poppies in with calenula, white sage and sweet peas. shade is provided by tall manzanita and a Coulter Pine . I find the white poppy lasts as long as the orange but doesn't reseed as readily. I do harvest the seeds. This is only my second year with the pinks so I don't know yet but I suspect they will be the same. I am hopeful that after a few years I will have a sea of pink like I do with my my orange! Fingers crossed.
Hey husker when did you start you tomatoes and peppers seedling's in shed? I need to write down for next year.
For the Taller bigger plants March 5th. Those have been transplanted 3 times, now in a 20 ounce solo cup.
Otherwise I start about April 1st and don't plant in the garden until AT LEAST May 25th, and then even that is weather dependant.
Peppers are a PIA, I just buy the few I want.
Decorative corn and corn, I start in peat pots 3rd week of April.
Marigolds I start 3 rd week of April.
Beans I'll direct plant this weekend.
Onions I start in deep single cells from onion sets mid March. Onions went in the ground today.
Horseradish I start early March and that went in the ground today as well.
I like it hot too, but I've seen videos of people trying bhuts. IDK....I'll start with the scorpion.

I've grown them the year before last. People can do whatever they want but I aint eating one raw like I will a habanero. I only use the ghost peppers for hot sauce and cooking with. The habaneros I like to slice on top of my pizza. Gonna try my hand at drying and making pepper flake out of some also.
I've grown them the year before last. People can do whatever they want but I aint eating one raw like I will a habanero. I only use the ghost peppers for hot sauce and cooking with. The habaneros I like to slice on top of my pizza. Gonna try my hand at drying and making pepper flake out of some also.
A coffee grinder can turn it into a nice powder. Blends very well that way.

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