What did you do in the garden today?

DH cut up some of the dry rotted, fallen apple tree for me into 4" thick chunks. I'm using them for hugelkultur logs in the tomato bed. I got 4 holes dug and pieces in. That soil is so darn heavy! I wanted to get some other things done, so I stopped after 4.

I planted 60 onion sets -- 30 each of white and red. Plenty more to go!
Notice the orange buckets (no plug here) the peppers are 3-4-5+ years old.. Capsicum is not perennial, but it is with some extra work and care.. as with many plants. I have had pepper plants 10-12 years old... Overwintering may work for you.. and as always I forget some are in frigid temps, location location location.. but even indoors in a heated room a few pepper plants will sleep away their dormant stage and wake up ready to produce.. it really is amazing.. research and try.. fatalli on web.. peppers are an amazing journey, even spiritual... I’ve said too much.. but as with everything, getting started is the hardest part..
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I had a pepper I brought back from Guam with me many years ago, not sure what it was,we called them Guamanian Boonie Peppers, looked like a little tobasco, tip was very sweet like a bell pepper but if you went much past that it'd light your world on fire. Bush got huge, like a tree really then after 5 or so years, just kind of scraggled out and died off. Not sure if I even have any of those left or even if they'd be viable anymore.

My hoop house Version 2 is ALMOST complete. I have to finish the netting, seal along the bottom, weatherstripping the door to keep out bugs, and decide on the mulch over the cardboard. Altogether the new materials cost about $300. Most was repourposed.
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I want to thank @WthrLady for the inspiration and yes, I desperately need to mow/trim but it's been too wet!
That's impressive! We talked about building a green house but more than likely won't happen this year
I got hella sunburned today but at least I got a lot done. The hoop house isn't done yet but at least it is fully closed in so the bugs can't get in except around a small gap between the door and door frame. I'll pick up some weatherstripping tomorrow. I haven't fully sealed the netting around the bottom yet. Hope to do that next weekend maybe.

But at least I now have my tomatoes, zucchini, beans, corn, carrots, broccoli, and eggplant planted! Woooohoooo! Still a LOT to do though!
That's impressive! We talked about building a green house but more than likely won't happen this year
Thank you! I made a hoop house last year which was functional but I learned a lot from what DIDN'T work. When my DH and DS tried to move it, it fell apart. Then I saw the hoop house that WthrLady made and it gave me some great ideas on how to make mine better and solve some of the problems I had the first time around. Excited to see how well it works this season....
Great day- sunny and up to mid-80s. Tomorrow windy and slightly cooler. Next week back to cool temps and near freezing at night.

Finally got all tomatoes into the larger pots. Tomorrow it will be peppers. We went to a picnic at a friend’s home so did not get as much done today as we planned.

Rhubarb is peeking through the soil surface-these are new roots purchased s couple weeks ago.

Asparagus is just barely breaking through -planted these root crowns a few weeks ago.

Potatoes seem to be growing-I had to rid the bed of a few weeds, so uncovered some sprouts that had not yet broken the surface.

Baby chicks -1 died -likely an internal issue bc it was not as energetic as the rest. No shipping stress bc we picked them up at the hatchery. The rest appear to be doing fine.

The 2-month old chicks- wow! So big already! Not much drama out there between them and the older hens, so that’s great.
zucchini sprouted and I am happy about that. they are prolific veggies, produce plenty for me as well as for my chickens. I am considering to grow them vertically to save space.
I plan to try training the zuc and cucumbers to climb this year. Never enough room for everything I want to grow. I'd really like one more bed just for onions. Well, maybe 2 and raise garlic and shallots in the second bed.
I agree @Acre4Me. Looks like deer munches on the leaves.
If you were here I'd say slugs and snails but I can't say I've ever seen either one eat the rhubarb leaves.
Does cleaning the run count?
We have zig zag climbing rope up and over the top to help even more with the flapping and rubbing. Eliminate that and you lower your tear risk.
I was just wondering what you'd do in high wind places.
I have had pepper plants 10-12 years old... Overwintering may work for you..
I lost my overwintering peppers this last winter, we had un-naturally cold nights too many nights in a row.

Got the lawn mowed, I'll do the trimming tomorrow. It's not supposed to start raining again till Sunday night. It's been so nice the last couple of days, like spring came back again.

@TJAnonymous, and @WthrLady, those hoop houses look great!

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