What did you do in the garden today?

Good afternoon all. I avoid Alexa and anything “smart” for privacy and leave my cell phone in my office so Siri can’t be nosey. I suppose it depends on the SHTF event for us. We can’t get far with hubs and I wouldn’t leave my dogs so if we couldn’t make it at home I’d take myself out too. That doesn’t mean we don’t prepare for what we can and hope for the best.

Nothing done outside today, I didn’t sleep well and got up late. Definitely have to water in the morning.
I don't want "smart" anything. My phone is bad enough. No, I don't need something to do my thinking for me. I don't need something to remind me what to buy or do. I -- gasp! -- write things down with a pen and paper! Ballpoint pen, though. Not going to go get a chicken feather to make a quill pen.
You’re so yesterday :gigI’m right there with you! My grandson was appalled that I made a grocery list on the back of an old envelope the other day.
We avoid alexa and siri like the plague .. Nothing aloud that can listen to conversation even shut google off the phone turn it on for maps.
Sadly, if you have an iPhone Siri is always listening Penny. Even when you turn off the listen for hey Siri function.

I despise google.
My grandson was appalled that I made a grocery list on the back of an old envelope the other day.
Envelopes work great! That's what I always used when I used to get a newspaper that had coupons. Coupons inside, list on the outside.

Newpapers... remember them?

I was balancing my checkbook at work one morning. I said something about the "check register" to a younger coworker. She asked, "What's a check register?"
Envelopes work great! That's what I always used when I used to get a newspaper that had coupons. Coupons inside, list on the outside.

Newpapers... remember them?

I was balancing my checkbook at work one morning. I said something about the "check register" to a younger coworker. She asked, "What's a check register?"
You mean those things we used to throw at all the doors in the neighborhood before school? Yeah I remember those!

Whenever we get the bill for the house payment there’s always a push to register online and make the payment that way but hubs won’t do it. He gets the checks with the duplicate copies so he can go back through his checkbook and find payments.

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