What did you do in the garden today?

I love both my local feed stores. 1 carries everything out for you & the other you go in & pay & then drive around back & they load everything into your car wether its feed, shavings or bales of straw. Can’t beat that!

Tractor supply doesn’t carry any feed I’m interested in here anyway & it’s more expensive so I stick with my 2 local owned stores.

So I got most of the onions chopped, just need to vacuum seal them in smaller packets & freeze them. I got a gallon ziplock done, probably have another half of that left to do. I didn’t have it in me to make onion soup, I can’t stand long enough to caramelize them. Course now all I want is onion soup. 😂 I have a recipe for onion soup chicken thighs that I’m going to try with my frozen, caramelized onions I made at harvest, that should fix the craving.
Our local shop does the same, depending on what you purchase. I like that I can walk in, tell the girls at the counter what I want and pay. Usually the guys are walking up to the front by the time I’m done. I would spend money in fuel and time going to TSC and I have had bad luck with bad feed from them.
Good morning gardeners. Winter has really arrived. We got about 8 inches of snow Thursday afternoon into mostly all day Friday. I had an early appointment for blood work so I had to clear the driveway with the snowblower. It went just fine. Got home after my appointment, ate breakfast, checked on the chickens then settled down with the dogs on my lap to have coffee. My sweet Chloe started having a seizure on my lap. I've witnessed grand mal seizures in humans but never had experienced it with a dog. So scary, I knew it was a seizure and there wasn't much I could do. Then after the seizure seemed to have subsided she went all crazy wild. I rushed her off to the dog ER 20 miles away. My daughter drove because I'm terrible with finding places. Four and a half hours later and lots of blood work and examinations she was pronounced OK and healthy to go home. Now I just need to watch out for any additional seizures and hope this will be the only one she ever has. Today she seems fine. It was too dark to feed the chickens their dinner so I didn't disturb them. This morning they were fine. They had devoured every last morsel of food and fortunately there was still water in their feeder. The sweet hens even kept the eggs they had laid yesterday afternoon safe and warm (no frozen eggs). About Dumor feed. That's what I feed my chickens, that is the All Flock formula. I had been feeding Nutrena All Flock from the "sort of" local feed store but there were frequently out of it and also frequently the bags pf pellets were half pulverized into powder, which my chickens won't eat. I started going to Tractor Supply and getting Dumor All Flock. I also supplement with their 5 grain scratch mix and meal worms or (currently) black soldier fly. I don't have any pullets this year but since I've been feeding Dumor I had two hens laying well into early November, then started laying again on Christmas Day. I'm now getting two to three eggs every day. I have nine hens. Two will be 5 yo near the end of March, one will be 4 around the same time. The other six are trios that will be two and three in April. They are all looking very healthy and happy and I am very pleased with their egg production. I don't give them supplemental light, but they do get supervised "free ranging" time twice a day weather permitting. So my thoughts are, perhaps the extras they get make up for any deficiencies of the Dumor brand feed. I do want to note that they are all much healthier than they ever were when I was feeding them Nutrena brand.
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Quick note on the tree debris in the back. The logger was out here early yesterday morning. He took a tree from the neighbors yard and two from mine. He then got two loads of debris then left. Surprising because it was snowing like crazy. But it good to see some progress out there. The spot I am eyeing up for the 15 by 36 foot garden plot is looking better now. I'm certain the soil is really rich in nutrients. I'm so excited to have this additional gardening space.

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