What did you do in the garden today?

I just found this new cherry tomato on Wild Boar farms, they say people who tried it like it better than sun gold. Its called, Tim's Taste of Paradise."

These look very tempting but we never eat enough cherry tomatoes to justify growing them. I still have bags frozen from last year.... But I do wish someone lived close enough to me to try some.
The geranium seed I planted is starting to come up, the onions should be peeking up soon. Baby chicks arrived yesterday from Hoovers in good shape and are happily hanging out in the brooder.
Would love to see your babies! I have too many chickens as it is so no chicks for me this year.... I'll have to live vicariously through people like you.... 😄
My sweet Chloe started having a seizure on my lap. I've witnessed grand mal seizures in humans but never had experienced it with a dog. So scary, I knew it was a seizure and there wasn't much I could do. Then after the seizure seemed to have subsided she went all crazy wild. I rushed her off to the dog ER 20 miles away. My daughter drove because I'm terrible with finding places. Four and a half hours later and lots of blood work and examinations she was pronounced OK and healthy to go home. Now I just need to watch out for any additional seizures and hope this will be the only one she ever has. Today she seems fine.
:fl:fl Sending positive waves for Chloe!
:hugs:hugs Hugs for you!
Our last dog had seizures. It was horrible to see.
These look very tempting but we never eat enough cherry tomatoes to justify growing them. I still have bags frozen from last year.... But I do wish someone lived close enough to me to try some.
I love the cherry tomatoes. I froze a few small zip loc bags of them to use for a fresh and quick pasta sauce. It’s really nice to be able to whip this into a quick dinner especially using other preserved homegrown ingredients. Fresh garden taste in the middle of winter.
So how many packs did you order?
I already had an order in for tomato seeds that I mentioned in an earlier post. However, I ordered Tim's Taste of Paradise and Atomic Fusion a day later. I only need a few viable seeds from each variety to make clones, so I only order a packet at a time. Also, I think we can use the seeds from the tomatoes that grow.

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These look very tempting but we never eat enough cherry tomatoes to justify growing them. I still have bags frozen from last year.... But I do wish someone lived close enough to me to try some.
We planted 10 cherry tomato plants last year and i worried it was too many (we had 10 paste & 10 large slicer too). I sold 2 pints of cherry tomatoes to some egg customers. We ate all the rest. I probably eat a pint a day myself. DS will not touch tomatoes. So I guess 10 plants was just enough for a family of 3 (actually 4 but one tomato hater!)
. Baby chicks arrived yesterday from Hoovers in good shape and are happily hanging out in the brooder.
Pics! Pics! My babies aren’t coming til June, and I CANNOT wait! I wish I could just hatch & raise baby chicks for a living! ❤😊
Cold out.
No wind, which means everyone is burning their brush piles. I am surrounded by 15 giant prairie brush burns looking around the house. (Piles that are about 20 feet high and about 40 feet across from hedge clearances)

There is NO air in the air and my sinus' are on fire.

Nothing outside today, but going from truck to inside and inside to truck.

Made batch of sweetened condensed milk the other day, so made molasses taffy this morning. Off to the village in a moment.

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