What did you do in the garden today?

PS, why do you have the reflective covering over the buckets?
That's so the algae doesn't grow in the white and orange buckets and it keeps the solution in the blue buckets cool in the sun. I don't need them on the blue buckets since I put up a shade cloth. I got lazy with the orange wicking buckets and haven't covered the sides yet. I will use black plastic or black weed fabric to cover the orange, so algae doesn't grow.
That's so the algae doesn't grow in the white and orange buckets and it keeps the solution in the blue buckets cool in the sun. I don't need them on the blue buckets since I put up a shade cloth. I got lazy with the orange wicking buckets and haven't covered the sides yet. I will use black plastic or black weed fabric to cover the orange, so algae doesn't grow.
Thanks! I was wondering if that might be the case, the light or the cooling. I have a bucket that I was thinking of trying that on because it’ll get some late afternoon sun and I think the water will get hot. I may cover the top too.
I have a bucket that I was thinking of trying that on because it’ll get some late afternoon sun and I think the water will get hot. I may cover the top too.
If I was only going to do one, I would do a rain proof one like this.......................with a unique cherry tomato called Rosella.

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I could see that working with tomatoes since they will root aggressively and grow new roots from the stem of the plant if needed. Not sure I would try this with my peppers though.
I did this with my basil, I was influenced by that video and just ripped them apart. I hope at least two make it..................I got them in partial shade.


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Good morning garedeners and welcome to the gardening thread @CountryCuratesWife. I have a good feeling that this crazy winter weather will be behind us soon. More slow melting today and brown grass is emerging finally. The fence posts pick up went really well yesterday. As expected the baby chicks are selling out fast at TSC. Good golly they just got their chick days going. I'm not participating this year. I have 9 hens and a rooster that need to be fed regardless of egg laying. The past several weeks they've been eating more pellets since they haven't been able to get out and forage. I shoveled a bit more in their chicken yard and they are getting out briefly twice a day again. There's actually green grass over there. I believe the chipmunks are coming out of hibernation because my sweet chi-weenie mix Chloe was digging them a bigger entry hole this morning. I planted some herbs this morning. Tarragon, dill, peppermint and cilantro. I'm running out of the newly purchased seed starter trays so I'll be bringing some in from the garage later. My white geranium is telling me Spring is on the way. It has a flower bud forming. Time to get moving. I wanted to mention this now since I didn't post yesterday, but a well deserved, albeit belated, Happy International Women's Day to all of you very strong women! The highlight of my day yesterday when one of the few women who currently works at TSC drove the forklift out of my vehicle's way so she could load the T Posts into my car.

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