What did you do in the garden today?

Mowed and fixed the sprayer. It was not the big o ring. It was the flap disc at the bottom of the pump. I had a kit for another brand and that part fit. Put the old flap to soak. Information might be useful to someone. Here is another tip on old brittle trimmer line. Soak it in water overnight. Becomes pliable and usable again.
So did you keep the floor model or end up getting a new one?
Floor model.
The errors I got were, ah hem, user error. LOL
I swear technology see me coming.
I have a batch of blueberries, yogurt and raspberries going in tonight.

There are no set times on stuff, so I need to figure out how to deal with it being done while I'm out. It does hold the vacuum and the cold, I'd just rather catch it when it's done. I think I'm missing something in the computer still (my understanding of the prompts. I'll get there.) LOL

It managed the test run last night with flying colors.
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Floor model.
The errors I got were, ah hem, user error. LOL
I swear technology see me coming.
I have a batch of blueberries, yogurt and raspberries going in tonight.

There are no set times on stuff, so I need to figure out how to deal with it being done while I'm out. It does hold the vacuum and the cold, I'd just rather catch it when it's done. I think I'm missing something in the computer still (my understanding of the prompts. I'll get there.) LOL

It managed the test run last night with flying colors.
I'm so jealous and so excited for you all at the same time.... 😂
Spent the evening doing a deep clean of the chicken coop. Got about 75% done so I'm going to take off tomorrow from work and finish it up. I use sand in my chicken coops. I do sift clean it monthly but after nearly 4 yrs it needs a whole remove & replace.

I've also got to remove the deep litter from the duck coop so all that ought to compost real well over the summer...
A few photos. I got 40+ tomatoes in the ground today. All the peppers, marigolds, just need to direct sow stuff now. And the pumpkins/herbs
Oooo, you have water taps built onto your raised beds, I am so envious! I'm going to have to get some for my beds.
Saw this as I was cleaning out the junk mail in my inbox. It's from Baker Creek. If I didn't already have plans that weekend, I would totally go!
Dang, that would be so cool!
Tip traps and bucket trap in coop last night. Bucket was a clear winner. Made eye contact- damn cute things. Now 1/4 mile away in the cattlefield. I figure it's all 6 kids as mom was seen running up and down the ramp this morning. Ugh, guilt on top of it.
Aw, they are so cute! And yeah, I hate killing them too, it's nice you have some place to let them go.
Lilacs are in bloom and fragrant. Yeah I can still smell them.
I'm lucky DP planted several of them, even though I can't really smell them I love seeing them.

I cleaned up the regrowth that was in the gooseberry and currant bed, cleaned the filter in the pond, and made a run into town for a new tarp and tie-downs. The evil people at Farrs (Farrs has Everything!) had a big sign up, "Buy 3 Chicks and Get a 4th one FREE!" Thank heaven they closed just as I drove up. :D
Tomatoes, celosia, hot peppers (cayenne, habanero, jalepeno, and Serrano), and eggplant that hasn't come up, yet:

Tomatoes, peppers, marigolds, rosemary, and artichoke:


Sweet peppers, more hot peppers, and more tomatoes:

Marigolds, strawflowers (not up, yet), nasturtiums (not up, yet), cabbage, and zinnias:

I got to harvest one asparagus spear today! It was from a wild patch. I cooked it up with some store bought asparagus, and it tasted significantly better than they did! I'm excited to harvest from the garden, they are quite a bit farther behind.

Everything seems to be doing well, so far! As long as I don't screw up, this should be the best garden, yet! I need to figure out trellising... the past two years, my trellises have leaned because the ground is so soft... I might just try to figure out how to build something with materials from the woods, instead of buying something.
Oooo, you have water taps built onto your raised beds, I am so envious! I'm going to have to get some for my beds.

Thank you! I wish they were each on their own automatic zone control valve. But that would be overkill, says DH. 4 are on one valve, two on another, then my berries have their own valve. Our water volume is pretty poor so I was able to justify splitting them up a bit. That was a labor intensive project, I'm glad I'm finished.

I'm counting the new drip lines as a separate project. 1/4" barbs are torture. I'm not even half way done with that nightmare. Trying to push through, it's easy to think about saving this one for fall. Who needs vacations or regular working hours, I can hand water, right? 🤣

Anyway I pulled almost all of my onions today. Nearly every one went to flower. So I'm going to chop them up and freeze bags of them. I was hoping to get bigger bulbs but eh, I'll start seed this fall and try again. Garlic is doing great though.

The weather is whiplashing again. It was 65 today, 88 yesterday. 😆

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