What did you do in the garden today?

Never use hand warmer with chicks! They may release some harmful gas. I used this shipping warmer to keep day old chicks warm in a large box after picked them up 3.5 hours away: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01949J35K

It similar to hand warmer but should be ok to use around animals. NO! They all pilled on top of the warmer and seemed to enjoy it on the way home. After we arrived home, all chicks passed out and I couldn't wake anyone up when toughing them in the next ~5 hours! None of them ever moved and most didn't open their eyes before I went to bed crying! I thought they all died and left them under heating plate just in case. The next morning, everyone was happily running around in the brooder! I never had chicks doing this kind thing before, but I would never use chemical warmer around my chicks again.
I visited a man's pigeon loft in 2000 & saw 2 babies in a nest bowl. 1 was being fed, fat & happy, while the 2nd was very thin, pale & not being fed by the parents. The man said it'll probably die. I felt so sad upon hearing that, so I asked if I could have the baby, since I had run a parrot rescue for years, maybe I could save it. He said sure, but it probably won't make it. It was January & very ice cold outside. The baby felt so cold when I scooped him up & he barely moved, he was so weak & what worried me...the bird was kinda stiff. The man said that bird is already half dead. I don't have much in the way of body fat, but that little bird fit nicely right down inside my shirt, his little feet using my bra to stand up, nestled right down, snug inside my warm turtleneck (looser neck almost a cowl). He hung out with his little head & beak peeking out of the sweater, underneath of my chin. I drove like that all the way home with the heater on full blast. As he started to warm up, he stood on his tippy toes inside my shirt & looked up at me, I smiled, he saw my lips move & immediately tried to get his beak into my mouth, I guess he thought I was going to regurgitate some food into him. 😆 If you've ever had a baby bird unexpectedly try to shove it's beak into your mouth, you know the reaction, makes ya laugh, then by laughing they try to push the beak into your mouth even more...so you have to keep your mouth shut, but you're laughing...it is hilarious. Got him home & fed with warm baby bird food & raised him up. He was a wonderful, dearly loved bird! My sweet Pidge, he would fly around outside then fly right to me when I called for him. I ended up building a pigeon loft & getting plenty of pigeons, but Pidge considered the house his own private loft, so he spent most of his time with me when I was home. He was a gorgeous black muted check with white splash throat & some white splash feathers on back of his head & white flight feathers on his wings. He actually resembled GI Joe, the original GI Joe...the WWll hero pigeon. Anyway...sorry I'm off on another tangent 😆 🤣 😂. But yeah, the moral of the story...never underestimate the beneficial warmth of your own body in an emergency. ❤️

I wish I had photos of my beloved Pidge, but I lost many things in a flood years ago. This is who he resembled, nearly identical.
I'm annoyed.

We are expecting a ton of rain over the next 2 days. It's been 3 weeks since I've sprayed my fruit & roses with Bonide Fruit Tree spray (the Captan version).

I typically alternate spraying between the Captan and Bordeaux Mix. The recommendation is every 2 weeks... And since we've had so much dang rain this spring, I'm rather anxious about falling behind on the spraying... I've already had my peach trees drop most of their fruit and what's left is showing signs of gummiosis. Roses are major battling black spot and apples & grapes have a few rust spots here and there already.

So here's why I'm annoyed... I bought some Bonide Copper Fungicide hoping it would be a faster application than mixing up Bordeaux Mix which takes over 24 hours (you have to dissolve the hydrated lime in the water first which is a bit time consuming). Well... I somehow missed the miniscule print in the instructions that state "apply at least 12 hrs before rain" and "reapply after rain." I'm annoyed because Bordeaux Mix (copper sulfate and hydrated lime) will not wash away from rain so I WRONGLY assumed that Copper Fungicide would be similarly rain-hardy.

Now I'm a couple of hours before rain is coming and unable to apply any fungicide that will stick. Guess I'll have to do it AFTER the rain in a couple of days. My own fault but still...

I'm annoyed.

We are expecting a ton of rain over the next 2 days. It's been 3 weeks since I've sprayed my fruit & roses with Bonide Fruit Tree spray (the Captan version).

I typically alternate spraying between the Captan and Bordeaux Mix. The recommendation is every 2 weeks... And since we've had so much dang rain this spring, I'm rather anxious about falling behind on the spraying... I've already had my peach trees drop most of their fruit and what's left is showing signs of gummiosis. Roses are major battling black spot and apples & grapes have a few rust spots here and there already.

So here's why I'm annoyed... I bought some Bonide Copper Fungicide hoping it would be a faster application than mixing up Bordeaux Mix which takes over 24 hours (you have to dissolve the hydrated lime in the water first which is a bit time consuming). Well... I somehow missed the miniscule print in the instructions that state "apply at least 12 hrs before rain" and "reapply after rain." I'm annoyed because Bordeaux Mix (copper sulfate and hydrated lime) will not wash away from rain so I WRONGLY assumed that Copper Fungicide would be similarly rain-hardy.

Now I'm a couple of hours before rain is coming and unable to apply any fungicide that will stick. Guess I'll have to do it AFTER the rain in a couple of days. My own fault but still...

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I feel for ya. Most things are in miniscule print nowadays. Or is it my eyes getting older? I have to take a photo of stuff with my phone then enlarge it, to be able to read everything clearly. Crazy isn't it!
Nothing in the garden today. My sleep schedule from storm work is all screwed up, unless I was in Hawaii, then it would be dead on, but I'm not, so it isn't.
I did make an adult version of an infant side sleeper prop for myself :)
So that's a win. Not much more than a giant double pillowcase, but it keeps me in my lane at night. I've been winging it for months with a spare blanket, but I get tangled in that and then panic.
The new chicks got their first apple wedge today.
I also purchased two butterfly nets from the $Tree so I can catch then when I let them free range. They're FAST.
I think I spotted some vetch growing when I was mowing last week, but I can't remember where. I also spotted two massive thistle, which I dug out. I did find some wild Yew, and marked that.
The milkweed in the pasture is now visible, so I'll spray up and go dig that out soon too.
Last night during storm work I was out on the deck. I heard the coyotes on the prowl. They came up on property and I heard a deer bluster and bolt, then I heard a young coyote challenge (or not see) the 10000 volt cattle fence. Yelp, Yelp, Yelp..... Either that or the older yotes challenged him to lick or pee on it.
I waged war on the roly polies with diatemacious earth today! 😈

My butternut squash and canteloupe plants are flowering! No female flowers yet on either. My first squash flower should open tomorrow!

I also have some cucumbers starting to germinate!

I am still trying to learn how to grow a garden in Texas. I am new to this 90 degree weather!

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