What did your chickens do today?

A Junco
. WHat is that!!?!?! LOL.
Think its a wild bird
Not sure, probably. Any wild bird can have parasites, right?

As for what my chickens did today, all four of them hopped up on the porch and started pecking the screen door. My dog was beside herself.


Haha, to funny. Dog doesn't like her space being taken over by chickens.
My Marans come up to the house and eat my chickens food and walk all over his bed while he is lying on it. It's so funny!
TODAY....well yesterday.

My chickens went out for their first free range after the cat incident. They loved it. Although I didn't let the chicks out as I wasn't game enough.

Also I sold 5 of my chickens, they where for sale for $40 for 5 as they are old timers. But the people who bought them from me where so taken by my set up and all my chickens that they gave me an extra $10
Here's how much of a newbie I am: my barred rock hen, Zebra, crowed this morning! Whoops! I guess we got a boy in the group?! My kids were like, "what's that weird noise?"
Took my 6/7 wk White Leghorn outside for the first time yesterday. First she walked beside me like a dog then when I stepped away from her she flew up to me and nestled down into my arms as if to say, "It is scary down there!"
What have my chickens done today other than question my sanity? HAHA

Lets see "helped" me clean their room and by helped I mean double the work, I would get a pile swept up and turn to grab the dust pan and they would have it scattered.

My white leghorn Ms. Prissy flew up to my shoulder and groomed my hair while I cleaned the room.

Red my RIR pooped on my bed...again.

My cowardly roo Courage tried pinning one of my Cornish Rock X down but she just did what I call the Nuggy Smash it is similar to the Hulk Smash.

Had to give Marilyn the sultan a bath because she won't quit walking under the others while they are on the roost.

My chicks in the brooder found out they can fly and one gave me a mini heart attack by hiding under Nugget/Nuggy.

Rock Star helped me make a salad and when I say helped he knocked it out of my hands and served the flock for me.

Never a dull moment with them.

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