What did your chickens do today?

Well my Easter Egger kit decided to peck holes my styrofoam incubator. She a little brat lol

She the first one
I had some small scraps of meat leftover from a baked chicken so I added them to a handful of diced tomato. I put the mix into a bowl, got a 2nd bowl for water and took 'em out onto the porch. Each night, my little White Leghorn rooster and I have an evening cuddle. He always gets some water and his own bowl of food, as he gets chased around during the day and gives the #1 Barred Rock roo a wide berth. Tonight, as I was cleaning the coop & picking up eggs, he couldn't find me. In his search for me, he climbed the flight of stairs to the 2nd fl patio, jumped onto the table, ate it all, paced back and forth on the railing, launched himself over the railing onto the grass when he saw me come around the coop into view, ran over to me and jumped on my shoulder for a cuddle. Smart monkey! I taught him to climb the stairs, but he's never done it without me before. Just one more way they amaze, delight and entertain me.
We have 4 buff corps nearly 2 and 2 RIRs 6 months old, bought to put under a broody hen. One of the reds sleeps with the buffs, the other, Abbey, sleeps alone in the small coop. They are all pastured in our fenced yard during the day. Abbey has appointed herself bedtime monitor and keeps herding the other girls in their run and trying to get them into the coop. Then when we go out to lock them up, she runs out and "tells" us all about it. Then we have to walk her over to her coop and coax her it with her talking the whole time. My dh who never had chickens is amazed by her. I always thought chickens were cool but I too am surprised by her. She was never handled, as she was hen raised so her friendly, chatty behavior wasn't really expected. She really makes us smile.
Snookie our Jersey Giant Rooster was pacing back and forth in front of the chicken house. He was trying to intimidate the neighborhood crows who were trying to sneak up and steal the table scraps. I am not sure if he prevailed there was one crow on the ground also pacing back and forth and at least 2 more in the nearby trees. I suspect the one on the ground was trying to keep him distracted.
Most of our chickens just went about their business, scratching, pecking, dustbathing, egglaying, etc...

ONE of our girls decided she might be broody. A Dark Cornish girl. We'll see what happens. She's comfortably residing in a nesting box on 6-8 eggs right now. :)
yesterday i bought a fake egg because my chickens stopped laying eggs. so today i threw it out there for them to find and think they had some competition and start laying some eggs. well we also had eggs for breakfast. and i always throw the shells in the back back yard were they range. well one of them hauled one of the shells over to the bottom of the hill. so i thought since the eggs were white it was Mary. so i'm thinking the fake egg worked. so i took one of the Trader Joe's out of the fridge and let it roll down the hill to see what happened. i came back later and it was gone. my Rhode Island Red is now sitting on 9 on them. i rolled them down the hill. she made a nest and i guess she is going to hatch them.
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yesterday i bought a fake egg because my chickens stopped laying eggs. so today i threw it out there for them to find and think they had some competition and start laying some eggs. well we also had eggs for breakfast. and i always throw the shells in the back back yard were they range. well one of them hauled one of the shells over to the bottom of the hill. so i thought since the eggs were white it was Mary. so i'm thinking the fake egg worked. so i took one of the Trader Joe's out of the fridge and let it roll down the hill to see what happened. i came back later and it was gone. my Rhode Island Red is now sitting on 9 on them. i rolled them down the hill. she made a nest and i guess she is going to hatch them.
Silly chickens, I love broody hens. Lol!

Just curious, why do you roll the eggs down the hill?

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