What did your chickens do today?

I rehomed my 6 babies today

Im pretty sure the 4 roos will be made into dinner

Why does it ahve to be so hard??
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I found out today that Doofus (so named because he is so clumsy) will lay his head in my hand and go to sleep if I rub him under his beak (between the waddles) do all chickens do this or just him? It's cute lol
An illustrated example of the shenanigans my chickens get up to: two little hens teaming up to chase the rooster out of the best sun-bathing spot, then having a celebratory cuddle!

Hi chicklover3990,

I've been reading that if you have more than one rooster, they are likely to fight with each other and may even kill each other, but I think it's a matter of how much space you have and if you can separate the flocks because surely there are farms out there with more than just one rooster. Especially since there's a 50% chance any egg is going to hatch into a rooster.
Hi chicklover3990,

I've been reading that if you have more than one rooster, they are likely to fight with each other and may even kill each other, but I think it's a matter of how much space you have and if you can separate the flocks because surely there are farms out there with more than just one rooster.  Especially since there's a 50% chance any egg is going to hatch into a rooster.

I agree with you and it can also depend on a lot of different things such as age of the roosters, temperment and how many hens are in the flock. I heard that its good to have around 12 hens to a rooster and plenty of space! It's pretty for roosters to scuffle during the spring time but as long as the loser of the fight has plenty of space to run away and hide from the winner, it should be okay.
At 8:45am in the foggy morning mist I found my bigs standing in a row on top of a wire box in the outer run - staring up towards the sky in the same direction. The momma broody had her six 3 week olds with her close by and was cautiously looking about. I don't know what it was they were worried about but suddenly one started the alarm call and all followed suit. It was quite noisy for a time. Maybe it was the low flying airplane, maybe crows - I never figured it out. Momma decided not to take a chance and called her six to follow her into the more secure run area.
I adopted a game hen that came out of the woods. She's been hanging around for a month but today I found an egg in the chicken coop! I have 9 other chickens who are between 8 and 11 weeks old so I know it didn't come from them. I am unnaturally giddy about finding it though! lol

I have always wondered if it is bad to have more than1 rooster
When we got our chickens (adults) there were 2 roosters in the bunch, but they were already separated. I kept them that way. First night, I put Roo2 in a cage inside the run, but they fought through the cage! They are very possessive of their harem! I'm still trying to sell Roo2. Don't have the heart to put him in the pot. But they will fight for sure. You don't need a rooster at all unless you want chicky babies. But I do notice the rooster really watches things going on and is on constant lookout for danger, it seems. So he's kind of a "guard-dog"! haha

Last night, I tried to put a hen on the roost - she was sitting in the poo-board right under another hen - I knew what she would look like in the morning if she stayed there! Well, she got away - she's a wild one - and flew out the door - and Mr. Roo1 (in the coop) jumped off his roost and flew right out the door after her, and if looks could kill, I'd be dead! He was guarding one of his hens again, awakened by her squawking right out of his sleep!

Wasn't anything else I could do but chase them both into the coop again - and where did she go? On the poo-board again
and sure enough, this morning she was a poopy mess. It rained later though, so some of it got washed off. YUK!

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