What did your chickens do today?

My chickens spent their first night out in the coop on Saturday. I was so nervous! At dusk, I had to put them in the coop and shut the door. They peeped for a while ...then I waited a half hour and checked on them...they were all quiet and snoozing

They spent the next day out in their pen and when it was time for bed they seemed scared. Is that normal or am I just a crazy chicken lady? I put them in their coop and closed the door and one kept flying up to the window. An hour later, yes I checked on them again, they were all quiet.

I went home at lunch today and 4 out of 8 were in their coop hanging out. I coaxed all of them out and game them some grapes, lettuce and flax seed...they had a ball!
One of my hens just hatched 8 chicks. OHMY Goodness!

Realized 2 of my silkies are MIA...assume a Hawk because there is no evidence except for a suspicious, incriminating feather.

Pants & Shoes pecked relentlessly.

Tuti (Buff Orp) get jealous when I pay attention to any other chicken. She's pouting today.

Fed the girls jalapeño pepper scraps. Chicken Football. Woosh-gone.

Speaking of Chicken Football, watched an interesting game of "I have the dead mouse, and you can't have it!!"
Everyday one of my hens gets out. just her... nobody else gets out. i have NO clue where, but apparently she has a secret gate..........sooo frustrating.
Found 3 more eggs since this morning. I have one mature game hen and the nine others are between 9 and 12 weeks approximately. Not sure who's laying actually. But it's pretty dang cool.
Today I learned not to wear my class ring when taking care of my chicks. I had my hand in the cage to prop open the door and two of them thought it would be a great idea to jump up and peck at my ring, which of course they missed and ended up getting my finger.... Silly chicks...

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