What did your chickens do today?

This evening, a dove landed in the yard. I expected the rooster would chase her off, but he just let her wander freely, 5 feet away. Then a scrub jay landed 15 feet away, and the smallest of my 4, the tiny Golden Sebright hen, decided to chase and stalk it! She's a scrappy little thing who apparently finds jays offensive! The rooster backed her up, but I was expecting him to be a little more aggressive than the hen who is practically half his size! The other two hens just sat next to me and preened. Then one of them caught a mosquito that had landed on my leg and ate it! Good henny penny. Way to take pest control seriously.
Reurra, they look so cute with them on!! Gorgeous chickens too
Oh my goodness! So I went out this morning to let my flock out of the coop and into the run. Scooped out their fermented food and walked into the run, and set the food down. I haven't opened their door yet, and I hear something behind me in the run scratching on plastic. I have a garbage bin top still in my run from when I used it to cover their dry feeder from rain back when I did dry food, and it's usually proper up against the fence. I nervously picked up the lid and out ran my little Buff Orp pullet! Some meanie must have knocked it over on her sometime yesterday and I didn't notice when I closed them up! Of course it's the one time I don't count them at night!

She was a little freaked out, and really cautiously walked around for a minute, but was better after I let all her anxiously waiting friends out. She jumped into the heap of chickens trying to get food in no time.


Just glad nothing snuck into the run last night...like a weasel! She would have been done for!

So that's my excitement for the day!
Oh my goodness! So I went out this morning to let my flock out of the coop and into the run. Scooped out their fermented food and walked into the run, and set the food down. I haven't opened their door yet, and I hear something behind me in the run scratching on plastic. I have a garbage bin top still in my run from when I used it to cover their dry feeder from rain back when I did dry food, and it's usually proper up against the fence. I nervously picked up the lid and out ran my little Buff Orp pullet! Some meanie must have knocked it over on her sometime yesterday and I didn't notice when I closed them up! Of course it's the one time I don't count them at night!

She was a little freaked out, and really cautiously walked around for a minute, but was better after I let all her anxiously waiting friends out. She jumped into the heap of chickens trying to get food in no time.


Just glad nothing snuck into the run last night...like a weasel! She would have been done for!

So that's my excitement for the day!
oh wow! poor thing!

My girls got saddles today!
aww :D
LibRat, I'm pretty sure saddles are to keep the roosters from tearing the hen's backs up when they are, um, fertilizing eggs.
We can look at it like a little s&m chicken style.

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