What do yall think??


7 Years
May 31, 2015
So my BLRW went broody and and now I have 3 baby chicks that are 6-7 weeks old. She was not just laying on her eggs so I am not sure of anything. All I know for sure if that Jed (blue marans) is the daddy. Hens I have are RIR, Black Marans and BLRW. Here are the 3 beautiful chicks I got...

This one has feathered legs and looks a lot like Jed.

My dark one....

I am thinking this is a boy and he is so pretty. Either has some RIR or BLRW.

My opinion is they are adorable! That's as much help as I can be. I love that last one - the red and blue are so pretty together.
I think the first one is pure Marans and the other two are from the Wyandotte. I guess the last one could be from the Red, but it looks to have some partial lacing. The middle/dark bird looks to have a rose comb? That's why I'm thinking Wyandotte momma.

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