What do y'all think?


Apr 7, 2022
Live Oak, Florida
13 days ago I set an eggs and some others from a friend for fun- she's local to me. (Very.)
I candled for the first time 3 days later, eggs were all developing already, but one of the eggs had an air pocket in an odd spot. (The others eggs are all green, this was the only white egg i brought home. She's only got one white layer, a brown Leghorn.)
I usually candle eggs before setting case of hairline cracks and what-not, but I didn't with these because it wiped my mind I guess. 🤷🏽‍♀️. Otherwise I probably would've avoided potential trouble and wouldn't of set it.
The egg isn't scrambled, it's just where the air pocket is for whatever reason.
But since it developed I let it be, and it's got a lively baby dancing around as of day 13 tonight.
How do you guys think it'll go if it decides to try and hatch. Will it need assistance? Or will it be fine and just take longer (pip to zip), and pip somewhere randomly in the egg.
I've been keeping track of the growth, it's been jumping in size so I'm a tad worried there won't be much room for the chick soon.
I've also laid it air pocket up, since that's what I've heard to do with any egg.
Here it is-
@lilwanderer I can only tell you that I’ve had a few quail eggs with a side air cell, and they did hatch just fine. Ive had a few chicken eggs pip at the wrong end as well. There’s not anything you can do at this point but monitor for the pip on hatch day. Please let us know how it goes with your egg.
@lilwanderer I can only tell you that I’ve had a few quail eggs with a side air cell, and they did hatch just fine. Ive had a few chicken eggs pip at the wrong end as well. There’s not anything you can do at this point but monitor for the pip on hatch day. Please let us know how it goes with your egg.
His veins were drying up when i candled a little while ago- I thought he might have passed so i decided to open the egg up and see what happened.
He was still breathing, but barely. Once we found his head it his brain was definitely exposed, extremely crippled beak, and no eyes.
His veins were drying up when i candled a little while ago- I thought he might have passed so i decided to open the egg up and see what happened.
He was still breathing, but barely. Once we found his head it his brain was definitely exposed, extremely crippled beak, and no eyes.
I’m so sorry for your chick @lilwanderer. 😞 It’s very sad. Hugs from me and my chicks.
His veins were drying up when i candled a little while ago- I thought he might have passed so i decided to open the egg up and see what happened.
He was still breathing, but barely. Once we found his head it his brain was definitely exposed, extremely crippled beak, and no eyes.

That's too bad. Hope the other eggs are doing well.

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