What do you call the coloring of these EE's?


9 Years
Sep 29, 2010
Bucks County, PA
the cockerel


What do you call this coloring?
If you put an EE cockerel with this coloring over a barred hen what would the resulting coloring be?
If you put an EE cockerel with this coloring over a partridge hen what would the resulting coloring be?

the pullet (center)

What do you call this coloring?
If you put a barred cockerel over a hen this color what would the result be?
Easter Eggers don't typically come in APA accepted or even project colors - there are no names for the colors of the birds.

Your birds are the most common EE colors. For color outcome help you might want to post in the genetics forum.
Thanks for the answer. I was trying to put the coloring into a calculator to try to figure out what my chicks are.

I just hatched out a barnyard assortment chicks whose parentage is EE and Cuckoo Marans Roos over EE, Welsummer, Cuckoo Marans, Speckled Sussex and Australorp hens. I was a little surprised that all the chick are black and white and showing no other feather coloring, since the EE, SS, and Welsummers all have colors. I guess the black and white barring is dominant. I was trying for some dark and olive egg layers, but won't know for 5 or 6 months how that goes.
Your rooster looks very similar to mine who is now 7 weeks. Mine has a few splashes of red on his wings and a bit more black on his head. I've seen elsewhere that this is a common coloration. I'd really like to see a photo of a mature rooster like him so I know what to expect.
Edgar was a handsome and very nice guy, but he did go to freezer camp because we live in town and he was very noisy in the end. I think in the pictures he was between 15 and 17 weeks. We got rid of him just shy of a year, at which point he was very large and proud. Here is the last picture I have of him, it was at about 20 weeks I think.

and his mate at the same age, I think the EE hens are so pretty. I had a white one too, but she had a cross beak and didn't make it.
EE's are mixes, so they don't have a particular color. Also, since they are mixes, you really don't know what genes they are contributing. The only way to find out is to test mate them and see what you get.
Thanks for the responses.

I know that at least one of my chicks is part EE because it hatched out of a green egg, but I can't tell which one. Perhaps as they get older (they're almost 3 weeks now) I'll get some clues from the comb or muff and beard showing, but so far I'm not seeing anything. Don't notice any green legs either, and I'm afraid I don't know much about what chicken traits are dominant, or what breeds my EEs are a mix of. There are a lot of variables to be sure.

I remain a little surprised that all the chicks are black and white because their mothers were such a range of colors. Is color a trait that the male contributes more to? I know that the male barred birds get more white, so maybe it is so. Looks like I need to do some research.

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