What do you do to keep your flock healthy (mite/lice free)?

Did not know that thought it was just a bug killer...well, I guess staph is a 'bug'..but I meant larger insect type bugs.
It is also good for scaly leg mites, lice and northern red mites. Altho when my girls had lice/mites, I went with permithrin cause I didn't want to mess around. If I get a case of bumblefoot, I plan to put the Neem to the test and see if it really holds up to it.
I've struggled with Northern Fowl mite and the poultry dust knocks it down, but doesn't eradicate and has to be treated every 2-3 days because of life cycle. I am considering trying a spinosad product. I wouldn't treat your birds unless you have evidence of a problem.
Been doing a lot of reading and the consensus seems to be against DE for mite control.


I was having problems with bugs and then a vet tech told me to put one ml of advantage on the nap of the neck on my chickens to keep them off. Now I never find bugs on them but I also continue to dust my coops when I clean. Make sure to use advantage, not advantix!
I was having problems with bugs and then a vet tech told me to put one ml of advantage on the nap of the neck on my chickens to keep them off. Now I never find bugs on them but I also continue to dust my coops when I clean. Make sure to use advantage, not advantix!
Advantage or Advantage II?
What is the active ingredient(s)?
What was the vet tech recommendation on meat and egg withdrawal?
I’d treat once a year,or if you absolutely know they have something.I treat the coop,and never notice any mites on any of the birds,but I do it just to assure I get everything.Chickens might always have few,but with dust bathes and healthy immune systems can fight them off or keep them at a liveable rate.
Advantage or Advantage II?
What is the active ingredient(s)?
What was the vet tech recommendation on meat and egg withdrawal?

Advantage II or you can get an over the counter brand called Adventure. Not sure what the active ingredient is. I didn't ask about withdraw times cause I don't butcher or eat the eggs. These are breeders and we hatch. Not sure she would know since your using a product approved for dogs but not tested on birds.
Neither product is approved for use in poultry. Permethrin works very well and is approved for use, so there's no reason to use an unapproved/ untested product. Spinosad is also fine, but much more expensive!
The permethrin spray concentrate is also less costly than anything else.
Yes but the flea drops protect them for a month. Permitherin only works as long as it's wet. Plus I fell comfortable using the drops cause I got the ok from the vet. Haven't had a problem yet and I dont have to constantly spray chemicals all over the place. But it's all on personal preference.
Permethrin spray does it's thing long enough to get the mites or lice removed. Many insecticides will do this, and be absorbed by the egg yolks in the hens, and be there for weeks or months. If you worry about chemicals, think about that.
There are very different approvals for products used on pets, and on food animals. There are very good reasons for these differences!

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