What do you grow to feed the chickens??

I am thinking I will put a box in the open end of their run, weeds grow good there
so I thought I'd break the ground a little, plant something for then & cover with chicken wire.

They can eat, I can clean it out, ez peazy

Linda, as far as I know oxine is just a concentrated form of standard cholrine bleach.
Really, then I have a gallon bottle that should last me forever. It said 200 times the power of clorox
I have been sprouting barley and oats plus some budgerigar mix in square cement building blocks. I put some aviary wire over the top so the chickens can pull it out only as it grows through. Big success on that one. Chooks love it!
Super idea!!

Quote: LOL-- Yes!! I have used more chlorix than oxine-- actually given the expense the oxine is still unopened 3 years later!! lol

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