What do you have in your flock?

[COLOR=222222]1 S[/COLOR][COLOR=141823]ilver Lace Wyandotte - crossing my fingers it's a hen could go either way[/COLOR]
[COLOR=141823]1 Barred Plymouth Rock[/COLOR]
[COLOR=141823]1 Black Sex Link[/COLOR]
[COLOR=141823]1 Brown Leghorn,[/COLOR]
[COLOR=141823]1 Easter Egger[/COLOR][COLOR=222222] [/COLOR]

I just found a local lady that has true Ameraucanas and am on the list to get at least 1 (kinda want 2), she also has Isbars not sure if they are nice to have. And my husband really wants a polish of some sort for their funky look. Then the black australorps look cool and it seems like I should have a RIR as well...... 

My coop is 4x8 with an attached run that is 8x11.5.... how many chickens can I have?  I have a feeling that I am addicted and I thought I built the coop way larger then I needed... :confused:   I haven't even gotten my first egg! the ones I have are around 3.5 months old....

I have the same chicken math:)
I have 2 EE, 2 silver cuckoo marans, 2 golden cuckoo marans, 2 salmon faverolles, and 2 buff brahmas bantams.

Then I have 1 salmon faverolle roo
and 1 welsummer bantam roo

To protect my lovely ladies.
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Adding a rare jewel to the flock in July, Scots Dumpys!

As of now we are raising
Lavender Ameraucanas,
Buff Brahmas
Easter Eggers
And a few single mixes, Wyandotte, Wheaten Am, Buff Orp, Red Star, and some mix-breeds
and also adding English Orpingtons in July
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Just got our first chickens ever last year.

2 Rhode Island Reds
2 EE'S

This year the local feed gave me a sick RIR to care for. Once she was well of course we needed to get her a friend...

2 Buff Orpingtons
2 Cockoo Maran
1 White Leghorn
1 Japanese Bantam

I am unfamiliar with these breeds though. Can anyone tell me if we have any boys in the bunch?





They are 16 or 17 weeks old.
6 Buff Orpingtons
6 Barred rocks
7 Welsummers
7 White Jersey Giants
7 Black Jersey Giants
6 Rhode Island Reds
6 Columbian Wyandotte
1 Silver Laced Polish
[COLOR=222222]1 S[/COLOR][COLOR=141823]ilver Lace Wyandotte - crossing my fingers it's a hen could go either way[/COLOR]
[COLOR=141823]1 Barred Plymouth Rock[/COLOR]
[COLOR=141823]1 Black Sex Link[/COLOR]
[COLOR=141823]1 Brown Leghorn,[/COLOR]
[COLOR=141823]1 Easter Egger[/COLOR][COLOR=222222] [/COLOR]

I just found a local lady that has true Ameraucanas and am on the list to get at least 1 (kinda want 2), she also has Isbars not sure if they are nice to have. And my husband really wants a polish of some sort for their funky look. Then the black australorps look cool and it seems like I should have a RIR as well...... 

My coop is 4x8 with an attached run that is 8x11.5.... how many chickens can I have?  I have a feeling that I am addicted and I thought I built the coop way larger then I needed... :confused:   I haven't even gotten my first egg! the ones I have are around 3.5 months old....

I don't have chickens yet and probably won't for a little while now but that was the same size coop I was planning on building and similar size run (ours was 8x12 with a little triangle extension at the end) and I think the coop can comfortably (4 sq. ft. per bird) hold about 8 but with such a large run and/or free range it might be able to squeeze just a couple more in. You can technically fit more if you do 2 sq. ft./Bird, which I think is the commercial standard*, but it's not really recommended. And if you expand the coop to 8x8, which I also thought of doing and isn't too too much extra effort, besides a bit more wood, then you can fit double that so about 16. But as someone recently told me, you want to save room for next year!! Anyways, your chickies sound cute and good luck :)

*at least with maybe hatcheries cause i think egg production are crammed in cages?
I don't have chickens yet and probably won't for a little while now but that was the same size coop I was planning on building and similar size run (ours was 8x12 with a little triangle extension at the end) and I think the coop can comfortably (4 sq. ft. per bird) hold about 8 but with such a large run and/or free range it might be able to squeeze just a couple more in. You can technically fit more if you do 2 sq. ft./Bird, which I think is the commercial standard*, but it's not really recommended. And if you expand the coop to 8x8, which I also thought of doing and isn't too too much extra effort, besides a bit more wood, then you can fit double that so about 16. But as someone recently told me, you want to save room for next year!! Anyways, your chickies sound cute and good luck :)

*at least with maybe hatcheries cause i think egg production are crammed in cages?

ETA just realized you already built it, whoops. Though it still shouldn't be too too hard to expand or you can fit about 3 or so more with it the way it is currently. :)
I'm new to chickens but didn't think starting slow was the way to go. Go big or go home right!? I have
50 Meaties (Jumbo Cornish - straight run)
25 RIR (straight run)
5 Barred Rocks (pullets)
7 Black Jersey Giants (1 pullet, 6 roos)
1 Isa Brown (pullet)
1 Easter Egger (pullet)
6 Meatie Ducks (straight run)
6 Egg Ducks
4 White Broad Breasted Turkeys (straight run)
4 Buff Orpingtons
2 Partridge Plymouth Rocks
Used to have another SLW and a New Hampshire red
On the way:
2 Swedish Flower Hens
2 Cream Legbars
2 Black copper Marans
2 Beilefelder
2 Barnevelders

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