What do you have in your flock?

Hi everyone! I have a mix of chickens and ducks, I hope that's okay.

3 Barred Plymouth Rocks

2 Rhode Island Reds

1 White Leghorn Bantam

2 Silver Laced Wyandottes

1 Americana

4 Golden Comets

9 Magpie Ducks (2 grandparents, 2 parents, 5 ducklings that hatched today and yesterday!

That is my flock! It is very diverse and colorful!
I have 3 Barred Rocks and 2 Buff Orpintons.

The #1 gal BR ( my avatar) and the #5 gal Buff are my favorites in the flock, but love them all.
HMM, lets see, I went chicken crazy the last few years and couldnt stop myself!
I ordered some eggs to incubate on ebay and so I have:
Rhode Island Reds
Easter Eggers
Golden Laced Wyandotts
Buff Orpingtons
Black Australorpes
And some mixed breed babies from the above.

Love my chickens!
7 australorps
2 silver laced wyndottes
2 golden laced wyndottes
2 buff orpingtons
2 black sex links
2 isa browns
3 white silkies
3 blue silkies
2 buff brahamas
2 white cochins
4 white crested black polish
2 buff laced polish
2 barred rocks
4 americanas
1 EE
and 2 welsummers.
First go at chickens. My criteria was they have to be kid friendly, cold hardy and decent layers. Started with 5 to see which breeds I really liked.
I chose: speckled Sussex (which turned out to be a roo~ not happy about that), BO, buff NN,BR, Austrolorp. So far I've enjoyed them all. Hoping to have a bigger coop next spring and get at least a few of these: red laced Wyandotte, Dominique, splash Orpington, jubilee Orpington, Ameraucana, Welsummer. Possibly Jersey giant or Brahma?
Currently have:
3 Black Australorps
2 Buckeyes
2 Barred Rocks
1 Speckled Sussex
The Sussex is the most curious and friendly one of the flock. Plan to add more Sussex and Wyandotte in the future.

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