What do you have in your flock?

i have :

1 barred rock hen
1 salmon faverolle hen
1 white cochin hen
1 black bantam cochin hen
1 dark cornish hen
1 new hampshire red hen
1 silver and golden laced wyandotte hens
1 cuckoo maran rooster
1 sumatra hen and rooster
1 silver spangled hamburg hen

i know theis is for chicken breeds but i also have white crested ducks and gray call ducks!
the 2 crested are hens and 2 of the calls are drakes the other 1 is a hen
I have no idea but I have 5 black & white spotted ones, 2 brown ones and a white one, don't know what they are called. They are 1-1/2 yrs old and my rooster is 13 weeks old all I want to know right now is if the rooster is fertile cause he has been all over the brown hens having fun. And how do you tell if an egg is fertilized or not. Plus my hens won't nest during the day only at night time will the egg still hatch in 21 days or not?
At the moment we have:

4 bantam "barnyard mix" (1 is our main roo)
4 four week old generation 2 (for us, anyway) barnyard mix
1 bantam easter egger mix (roo we decided to keep)
4 two month old easter eggers (2 are roos destined for freezer camp)
1 cuckoo maran chick
1 speckled Sussex (I think) chick

Oh, and 2 Cayuga ducklings :)

We're still growing though!
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Thinking of renaming my coop "The Pound" as all my hens are mixed breeds. I had great fun hatching them out.

2 RSL's (RIR x SLW)
1 Olive Egger (3/4 FBCM x 1/4 CCL)
1 EE (Ameraucana x RIR)
1 Lt. Brahma x BLRW
1 Trader Joe's egg (white production hybrid)
4 EEs
2 black sex link
1 rooster, Bantam game I think
5 ducks
2 mixed breed
1 barred rock
1 white leghorn
And 1 red sex link
Hi everyone! I'm new to BYC and this is my first post...
I have:
3 White lf cochins
5 cochin bantam(blue,splash,lavender)
4 japanese bantam(3 BTW & 1 birchen)
2 white bearded silkie chicks
1 silver laced polish chick
Well going from oldest to newest.

Rhode Island Red
Barred Rock
Buff Orpington
Silver laced Wyandotte
Black sex Link
Easter Egger
Do your black and white birds look like this

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