What do you have in your flock?

I don't have chickens yet and probably won't for a while but I'm definitely going to have a rainbow flock!!

I'll probably start out with 6-8 or so but eventually I want to have a farm too so will probably hopefully have a lot more than that.

Thinking of starting with

Buff Orpington
Black Australorp
Easter Egger
Speckled Sussex
Silver Laced Wyandotte

And possibly GLW or BLRW and Buff Brahma.

So very rainbow even from the beginning

I have so many other breeds/varieties I'd want though, like Buckeyes, all the Wyandottes, essentially all the Orps too (I'd love a black, blue, lavender, and especially jubilee), and a bunch of batams like especially Silkies or frizzles or cochins. And alo Iowa Blue.

I also want ducks, probably Swedish (both Blue and Black), Rouen, and Welsh Harlequin.

Plus maybe some meat birds after I have birds a while.

So I will most definitely be starting with a rainbow flock snd probably will always have one xD eventually though I'd like to try breeding but I'll probably still have a rainbow flock.

I know I don't have them yet but that breed list is pretty definite so I figured it was okay hahah
I've got
x7 Ameracaunas
x5 California Whites
x3 Wyanndote
x2 Plymouth Rock
x1 Partridge Chantecler
x1 Favorolle Cross
x1 Campine
x2 Partridge Chantecler Buff Chantecler Roosters
x1 Unknown Cross Bantam Rooster
x2 Guineas
I've got
x7 Ameracaunas
x5 California Whites
x3 Wyanndote
x2 Plymouth Rock
x1 Partridge Chantecler
x1 Favorolle Cross
x1 Campine
x2 Partridge Chantecler Buff Chantecler Roosters
x1 Unknown Cross Bantam Rooster
x2 Guineas

Forgot my ducks
x2 Black Swedish Ducks
x1 Pekin Duck
x2 Pekin Drakes
x2 Mallards Ducks
x2 Black Swedish Ducks
x2 Indian Runner Ducks
x1 Indian Runner Drake
Finally done.
I'm jealous! I would rather my Orpington was the roo than my Sussex. Think my chances of having a sweet rooster would be better. But I do love my Coraline. Everything I've read about Orpingtons being gentle is on the mark with her.

Yup. they are gentle mostly. Blanche seems to be turning a bit bitchy. Either she's still mad because I "pecked" her good a couple weeks ago when she grabbed Rose at the neck or she's jealous because I have showered Stanley Roosterface with affection more than her lately. LOL
Chickens are a jealous creature I'm noticing. As far as docile rooster, shortly after reading this thread a bit last night, I read on an old Orpington Rooster thread that the ones that are super sweet when they're young suddenly go mean. I'm praying this isn't the case with Stanley. I sure hope he remembers me nursing him back from the brink of death with a bad case of wry neck when he was 2 weeks old. Back when we thought he was a Dorothy. "S\he" actually slept under my chin for a week in my bed with me. Or maybe he'll exact his revenge on me like a A Boy Named Sue...
At present I have:
5 Barred Rocks
5 Buff Orpingtons
5 Speckled Sussex
4 Black Australorps
3 Red Sex Links
3 Rhode Island Reds
2 Black Sex Links
3 Light Sussex
2 Coronation Sussex
2 Lavender Orpingtons

They are at best 4 weeks old. I know I can't keep all of these, but wanted to try several breeds to see which I liked best. One rock, orpington, & speckled Sussex are roosters. I plan on keeping 2 roos.
Hi Guys. Lets see i have 11 kids right now.
2 Speckled Sussex. 2 Light Brahmas, 1 Sliver Laced Cochin, a pair of Seramas, and 4 beautiful 8 week old Seramas that love to sit on top of my head.
Still pending the roo I have a single breed flock of white leghorns. I may not have a leghorn roo but I'm not sure just yet. Also I'm hoping to get a white rock soon, so my rainbow flock will still be all white.
I only have 4 right now, but they're wonderful.

1 Easter Egger rooster (George)
1 Isa Brown (Layla)
1 Gold Laced Wyandotte (Bijou)
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte (Cosette)

I have no idea why I chose to give the Wyandottes crazy French names, but I love it! :)

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