What do you have in your flock?

This is my first time raising chickens. I have four,
Black australorp
Speckled sussex
Cream legbar
Jersey gold

I absolutely love my black australorp she is just so sweet and will sit on your lap for an hour just loves to be pet. Very calm relaxed also my speckled sussex.
This is my first time raising chickens. I have four,
Black australorp
Speckled sussex
Cream legbar
Jersey gold

I absolutely love my black australorp she is just so sweet and will sit on your lap for an hour just loves to be pet. Very calm relaxed also my speckled sussex.
you definanly have some cool colored eggs
Our "meal Maker" turned out to be a white leghorn. I wasn't excited about it at first but she is the loveliest white bird. She resembles a dove more than a leghorn. She also has the sweetest temperment of any leghorn we've ever had.
I was considering adding leghorns this year. My neighbor and a friend have them, and I love their production capabilities.
I have a big rainbow:

5 Easter Eggers
1 Speckled Sussex
1 Black Austrolorp
1 Light Brahma
1 Buff Orpington
1 Silver Laced Polish
1 Golden Laced Wyandotte
3 Bantam Easter Eggers
2 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes
1 White Crested Black Polish
1 Blue Splash Maran
1 Welsummer
1 Buckeye
1 Barnvelder
1 Salmon Faverolle
1 White Leghorn
1 Blue Cochin
1 Partridge Cochin
1 Cream Legbar
1 Silver Grey Dorking
1 bantam Old English Game (not sure color yet)
1 bantam Blue Quail Belgian D'Anver
1 Self blue Belgian D'Anver
1 bantam White Laced Red Cornish
1 bantam Spangled Old English
1 bantam Black Old English Game
1 Buff Brahma
1 Olive Egger
You do have a variety. :D
2 barred rock pullets 20 weeks old - Had 3 but the neighbors dog got one last week. Thread ---> https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...ens-hawks-ok-but-the-neighors-dog-come-on-man

I hate when that happens... I had three (two of them were favorites, a beautiful EE, white with brown breast and grey head.. So pretty, and a sweet Barred Rock) lost to neighbor dogs... One of the dogs were stolen from the owner (thank goodness for me). They left it outside on a chain anyway and weren't taking care of her.
We have:
Cream Legbar (4- a few days old)
Egyptian (1- few days old)
Easter Eggers (2 few days old, 1 6 months old)
Black Orpington (1- 1 year old)
Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons (2- few days old)
Welsummers (2- 1 month old, 1 few days old)
Barred Rock (1 - 1 month old)
Golden Comets (3-3 months old)
Buff Orpingtons (2- 3 months old)
Brahama Bantam (1- 3 months old)

We are just starting this flock- we lost our flock of 10 to dogs last week. Within that flock I had Dominiques, Sebrights, EE's, Black Australorp, Golden Cuckoo Maran and a Buff Cochin

I am on a waiting list for Legbars from a local. I can't wait to get them!
I started off with 7 "onesies" as we were only going to get seven chickens (for pets/eggs) and we thought we might as well pick some that were cold hardy/heat tolerant and pretty to look at. We also wanted them to have fairly docile personalities. We had RIRs in the past and they were just tempermental.

After the 7 we picked up 4 EE at a chicken swap to live in the barn with the goats.

Then we decided that we needed a bigger chicken coop in the backyard...you know...one you can walk in and clean. So....I bought a very large chicken coop that could hold 27 standard chickens... My husband just shook his head and chuckled. Naturally I couldn't leave those 7 chickens with all that room could I? So we placed an order for some more from a different hatchery. Since we didn't want to duplicate what we already had, we (my daughter and I) poured over the pages and picked ones that we thought would fit in well and be interesting.

After placing the order and waiting for a few months, we wandered into our local feed store and saw BANTAMS! We flipped. They were so cute!!!! I was strong and put my foot down though....at least for a week. Then I called the hatchery and found they had 3 EE bantams! I had to place a separate order for them but it shipped at the same time as our others. After we had all these chicks at once, the lavender orpington we had ordered died on day 3. We had no idea why, she was happy and healthy one minute and an hour later she was gone. My daughter was devastated.

The next day we were getting hay at the local feed store and they just had a shipment of BANTAMS in! My husband suggested I get a few to make up for "Muffet"s death.

Now we have quite a group!!
2 Silkies, black & cuckoo
4 Wyandottes, 2 Black Laced Gold & 2 Black Laced Silver.
2 Seramas, brown 'n white & blue 'n gray.
1 Polish, Golden Laced.
2 Orpingtons, buff.

I've got a wildly diverse flock, now that I think about it.

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