What do you have in your flock?

I'm brand new to chickens and have 5 1month old Salmon Faverolles! I love them already and just got a coop that is bigger than they need, so I want more chickens!!! Haha!! I've read lots about Faverolles getting bullied, so I'm wondering about getting other breeds. I'd like to mix it up a little. I was thinking Americaunas and/or Brahmas? I really like the SL Wyandotte too though. Anybody out there with SF that mix them up with other breeds have any suggestions for me?
I have a Salmon Faverolle, and with my current large flock, she doesn't get bullied. EEs (Americaunas) are really good, though the Wyandottes I have had in the past are notorious bullies. Maybe if your Wyandotte is younger you won't have any problems, but I wouldn't recommend them for being docile. Barred Rocks are awesome, as are Polish and Silkies if you want some interesting birds to add to your flock. New Hampshire Reds and Phoenix are also docile. Phoenix are flighty, but they let my kids catch them (2 yo, 4 yo, and 7 yo) if that says anything. I don't have any cochins, but I have heard from more than several people they are calm and docile.
That was all great information! Thank you! I have found someone near me that has week old Americauna chicks. So, I think I'll get at least 2 or 3 of those. He also has Polish and Silkies, but I don't know almost anything about them. I'll need to do some research...he doesn't have Cochins, but I love their look. What color egg do they lay?
That was all great information! Thank you! I have found someone near me that has week old Americauna chicks. So, I think I'll get at least 2 or 3 of those. He also has Polish and Silkies, but I don't know almost anything about them. I'll need to do some research...he doesn't have Cochins, but I love their look. What color egg do they lay?
cochins lay a light brown egg. I breed them and am currently only selling hatching eggs. Hatcheries sell Easter Eggers as Amerucanas and are only half right. Hatcheries put a pure amerucana roo over brown egg laying hens to produce Easter Eggers which are very calm sweet and docile. I have some EE's also and I would highly recommend them or cochins, Silkies or polish hope this helps!
Happycheeper my vote goes to the silkies. Lovely little chickens!
I'm brand new to chickens and have 5 1month old Salmon Faverolles! I love them already and just got a coop that is bigger than they need, so I want more chickens!!! Haha!! I've read lots about Faverolles getting bullied, so I'm wondering about getting other breeds. I'd like to mix it up a little. I was thinking Americaunas and/or Brahmas? I really like the SL Wyandotte too though. Anybody out there with SF that mix them up with other breeds have any suggestions for me?

I have a Salmon Faverolles in my grow out pen right now. Of the five chicks in there she is close to the top of the pecking order. The Silver Laced Wyandotte is the top girl and is actually protective of the Colombian Wyandotte and the Faverolles. My light Brahma is a bit of a cock. Pun intended. I think it is a cockerel.

The older girls in the coop are barn yard mutts that include a cute red easter egger. She is at the bottom of the pecking order but she is not bullied. She is just the last to get anything from pets to treats. The other 2 just push past her in the rush to be first.

I plan to expand our rainbow flock next year with some more ee and sf along with some cochins and orpingtons.

You should read the Derperella thread. It is about a mixed flock and the adventures Derp the Salmon Faverolles has.
Update on my three pullets. My husband called me at 3:30am to tell me something killed two of our chickens. It was a possum. It only took their heads off but didn't eat anything. He found the possum in a tree above the chicken run. It's dead now. I'm so sad about it. I'm out of town taking care of my frail father for a week and feel so helpless.
They were not locked in the coop and the chicken run had a gap at the top part we did not take care of... we will be redesigning the chicken run and locking the one up EVERY night.
Update on my three pullets. My husband called me at 3:30am to tell me something killed two of our chickens. It was a possum. It only took their heads off but didn't eat anything. He found the possum in a tree above the chicken run. It's dead now. I'm so sad about it. I'm out of town taking care of my frail father for a week and feel so helpless.
They were not locked in the coop and the chicken run had a gap at the top part we did not take care of... we will be redesigning the chicken run and locking the one up EVERY night.
that sucks!
Update on my three pullets. My husband called me at 3:30am to tell me something killed two of our chickens. It was a possum. It only took their heads off but didn't eat anything. He found the possum in a tree above the chicken run. It's dead now. I'm so sad about it. I'm out of town taking care of my frail father for a week and feel so helpless.
They were not locked in the coop and the chicken run had a gap at the top part we did not take care of... we will be redesigning the chicken run and locking the one up EVERY night.
Aw, I am so sorry!!! I lost 10 out of 11 of my girls Friday to my own dogs :(
So sorry. 10 lost. At least my husband can seek revenge of the possums and we will fortify the coop. If our dog had done it, I'd just have to say "bad dog" and work on home bound control.
Hatcheries put a pure amerucana roo over brown egg laying hens to produce Easter Eggers which are very calm sweet and docile.
Not sure if this is the case for all hatcheries. I've gotten hatchery EE's that lay blue eggs while if the blue egg gene is added to a brown egg gene only greens should be gotten. Some of my EE's are EE's because of coloration of the hen. I've been breeding my own for several years now and depending on what I'm doing with egg color I might mix something in to see what happens.
In some cases an Ameraucana roo is used with an EE hen, too.

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