What do you have in your flock?


Pic of mine when they were wee little lasses.
I would agree that the Hamburgs can be escape artists and all. I adore my little ones. (LOL little as in small they are over 3 years old)
When I first built the new coop they kept trying to roost in the run. Did some measuring and found the roost in the run was 2 " higher than the one in the coop. I did not know they had the ability to figure that out. I lowered that roost and TADA no more run sleeping.

They do fly well though. Mine easily cleared the 6' run one day with no take off room either. AMAZING little birds.

Thank you for your Hamburg review. This is very similar feedback from other Hamburg owners. I would absolutely love them for their smallness and somewhat sweet temperament but I free-range and can't have escape artists! Some birds are easy to train but the flightier ones just can't help themselves to use their wings. Many bantams are hard to keep in an open yard too because most are excellent fliers. I refuse to cut wings for safety reasons - to allow a good get-away from potential ground predators.

Your roost story is cute. Chickens are very smart!
We currently have
3 red sex link
2 Easter eggers
1 buff brahma
1 Easter egger rooster

6 five week old chicks hatched from crossing the EE's and brahma with the EE too

I'm also expecting 7 barnevelder hatching eggs later this month.
Free ranging is an awesome place for hamburgs. Mine hate being stuck in the run all the time.
Sadly last year we lost miss Bee. So now we only have Pea and Jay.
The getting away from predators is what these active non setting birds would do well at. Mine are very good at finding the best parts of the yard to forage in and return to the coop without fail. I have large trees and they have never gone into them. They lay a small to medium egg and are very good at it. The other hens I have that are older and some younger no longer lay much if at all but these are troopers at it.
Miss Jay will let me know about it loudly if I am a minute later in the morning than she thinks I should be.
Just checked. No violations if a person relocates a wild animal (rat, mice, racoon, possum, squirrel etc). City did provide this service but a private company will take care of it for a fee.
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Got a pic of mine this afternoon. I have an awesome helper too!


White Plymouth rocks
1 blue lace Rex Wyandotte roo
buff rock
black sec link
Black australopes
Barred rock
2 GiNeaS
new Hampshire red
assorted mutts I hatched
43 birds total right now
min own the back yard except for the garden which is fenced
Hmmm,, lets see if I can remember them all.
Blue Cochins
Splash Cochins
White Cochins
Partridge Cochins
Buff Cochins
Salmon Faverolles
Special Blacks (black meat breed)
Buff Chantecler
Sicilian Buttercups
Golden Campines
Silver Spangled Hamburgs
Appenzeller Spitzhaubens
Golden Laced Polish
Black Minorcas
Egyptian Fayoumis
Golden Laced Wyendotes
White Laced Red Cornish
Dark Brahmas
Silver Leghorns
Exchequer Leghorns
Silver Penciled Rocks
BB Red Games
Rhode Island Reds
White Faced Black Spanish
And a few barnyard mixed birds from hens bringing back chicks from hidden nests,, lol
I think I remmebered them all :)
Oh,, and possibly one Phoenix,, still waiting on the outcome on that one :)
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Black Jersey Giant
White Leghorn
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
Barred Rock
Aracauna / Americauna

Have Also Had...
Red Star
Silver Laced Wyandotte

***** CHICKEN MATH *****

Would Like To Add...
Gold Laced Wyandotte
Black Star
Buff Orpington

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