What do you have in your flock?

Ps: my family thinks ive lost my mind. I always hated birds after i was bit by a macaw when i was a kid. They have no idea how different these birds are then a mean ole macaw!

I have always hated birds too! My grandmas African Gray parrot terrorized me as a child. Its wings were clipped but every time they would clean the bottom tray he would drop down and run. I remember running so much from that stupid bird. I would run to the couch and climb up to the top and lean against the wall. Then I would see a beak over the edge of the cushion. It would climb to the seat then walk across and start climbing the back to get me.That is usually when my grandma would run up with a towel to throw over it to catch it and put it back in its cage. I still have nightmares!

I love my chickens though! Their feet still ick me out with those long claws but their funny ways won me over :)

I have 4 Buff Orpingtons, 3 easter eggers and 4 Ameracaunas. Hoping to add a few Silkies in a separate coop soon!
WheninRhome, nice flock! I have a thing for the bright colors lol. Im excited to b able to say that im building my silkies an a frame tractor for brooding :) i dont really wanna breed em, i dont show birds, but i want them as my 4 mini incubators :)
Ps: my family thinks ive lost my mind. I always hated birds after i was bit by a macaw when i was a kid. They have no idea how different these birds are then a mean ole macaw!

Nothing crazy about that. I am terrified of birds. As long as they stay far enough away so I can just enjoy watching them, all is well. I really wanted chickens and I figured something might be different about it if I raised them from babies. So that's what we did. I love love love my chickens. Other birds, still scare the crap out of me. Especially geese. I had a bad dream once that had a goose in it and it was mean and attacked me. Ever since then, they freak me out. We also had a bird at our old house that built a nest in the bush right beside our front door. Every single time I went in or out she'd dive bomb me thinking that I was coming for her babies. It's funny now, but back then I hated it!
my sister in law is always asking how i can be around the chickens because "they bite" lol...i've only been pecked once and it was by a mean little juvenile roo who didnt like me moving him into another pen.

she is now terrified of this rooster...buts he's a tiny little bantam hehe..

ALSO since my last post i added 5 Ohiki to my flock

3 roos and this little guy is the one she is absolutely terrified of...because he pecked my hand.
When I was a kid my friend took me on a "shortcut" through her neighbors yard where I got flogged by dozens of chickens. It was a horrible experience! Then, some time after that, my mother decided she wanted geese :idunno Another horrible experience! She'd set those sicker out on the porch when she didn't want us kids coming in (usually after mopping) and they would hiss, bite and chase us away! So, you could imagine what I was thinking when my DD begged me for a pair of chick's for Easter last year. Ahhh, the things we do for love...
Just wondering if anyone else on this thread is following the "natural chicken keeping" thread?.if not, definitely check it out for all the bird lovers here... It is a little intimidating because it is currently at 30,000+ replies but it is worth the read with a lot of valuable information on keeping the chickens healthy <3
Just wondering if anyone else on this thread is following the "natural chicken keeping" thread?.if not, definitely check it out for all the bird lovers here... It is a little intimidating because it is currently at 30,000+ replies but it is worth the read with a lot of valuable information on keeping the chickens healthy <3

Thanks for the info., I'll give it a look! I suspect I'm giving mine too many treats. Anybody know how much protein they need? I've got 2 layers who are eating their eggs. One (EE) just finished her molt and is fully feathered, soft, shiny and back to laying. The other (RIR) hasn't molted yet. They are both 14 months. Can giving too much protein (live bugs) encourage egg eating, are they deficient or just spoiled? I am unable to free range them as we recently moved and our neighbors Black Lab has already killed one of our chickens and has attacked and hospitalized our tiny chihuahua. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Also, we took our RIR to the only vet near our area for bumblefoot as she has heat, swelling and the classic black scab on the bottom of her foot. He prescribed a 5 day oral antibiotic and said we shouldn't be so quick to call it bumblefoot. He also advised against Epsom salt soaks, betadine or any other topical treatment, stating that the antibiotic will wipe out any/all infection. It DID show improvement at first but now it is worse than it was to begin with. Do u think I should just do the surgery myself? It seems as though it's spreading to the top of her foot now, too. :barnie
Katie, i cant believe how many people like me are scared of pet birds, but cool with their flock! Your story is too cute!

LOL. I left out the part where the goose was purple, had giant teeth and bit me because I went into the closet where my bike was being stored. He was hiding in there. When I woke up the next morning, I had a giant bruise on my leg in the exact spot he bit me in the dream. It was not a legit goose but that dream sealed the deal. I steer clear.

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