What do you have in your flock?


This is me and my flock! You can see Clover, my NN; Mabel, BR; a bit of Coraline, my BO; and nestled in the middle- the little brown spot- that's Columbine my SS cockrel(was supposed to be a pullet). My five year old gdaughter thought that'd be a great name for him (we were planting columbine seeds at the time, and I wanted to rename him cause Nutmeg seemed too feminine). Not pictured is Bernadette, my Austrolorp. It's not so much that she's camera shy as that she embraces the attitude of a cat- she only likes attention when it's her decision, not when I want to cuddle

Don't mean to be tacky... must've pushed one too many buttons and can't figure out how to delete this second pic
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Thanks for the info., I'll give it a look! I suspect I'm giving mine too many treats. Anybody know how much protein they need? I've got 2 layers who are eating their eggs. One (EE) just finished her molt and is fully feathered, soft, shiny and back to laying. The other (RIR) hasn't molted yet. They are both 14 months. Can giving too much protein (live bugs) encourage egg eating, are they deficient or just spoiled? I am unable to free range them as we recently moved and our neighbors Black Lab has already killed one of our chickens and has attacked and hospitalized our tiny chihuahua. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry to hear about the egg eating and foot problem : ( unfortunately, from what i have read, it seems that egg eating is pretty impossible to cure and contagious so don't get new birds around the egg eaters or you will end up with more egg eaters... Try posting the foot problem question (with pictures if possible) on another thread that could have a focus on that matter rather than a fun topic about just knowing what everyone has in their flocks...the thread i mentioned before has a LOT of very experienced and caring people who do their best to help answer questions so maybe try there to start...hope you find some solutions
Hope I'm typing this in the right spot.

We have 60 chickens :

Blue Andalusians
Buff Orpington
GL Wyandotte
Barred Rock
Cream LegBars
Showgirl Silkie
Lavender Orpingtons
Black Jersey Giant
Blue Ameraucanas (True)
Easter Eggers
BC Marans
White Marans
Golden Marans
Speckled Sussex
White Plymouth Rock
Double Laced Barnevelder

Several breeding programs for this fall (God willing)

2 Khaki Campbell Ducks

We're contemplating getting some broilers to freeze meat for winter, but it's just a thought. Will be breeding the Bielefelders for meat as well. Hopefully it tastes good enough :)

Started with 2 chickens 2yrs ago.

Not sure how many is enough. Perhaps when feed bill is higher than grocery bill :)
Lets see...

Barred rock
White barred rock
Rhode island red
Production red
light brahma

I just started my flock this winter and still live in city limits at the moment.
Once we get things fixed up at the farm we're going to be moving out there and will really grow after that.
Over the weekend our good friend said he had recently cured his egg eater by putting golf balls in the nest and the chicken gave up eating the eggs when it couldn't peck open the golf balls...
Not sure how many is enough.  Perhaps when feed bill is higher than grocery bill  :)

Can never have enough chickens! If grocery bill is the limit then make sure you keep feeding more scraps and that way your grocery bill will always be higher and you can always get more chickens! I should stop being such a bad instigator of chicken math...

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