What do you have in your flock?

Thank you for your reply RavynFallen! I agree that most are not ready. One "flew the coop" while I was standing there and was immediately mounted. She was submissive and did not get wounded. My roo also spends a lot of time patrolling the divider and doing his wing dance. It definitely can't hurt to wait it out, better safe than sorry. Thanks again!

You're very welcome! :)
Great observations and is good letting them show you when they are ready, so to speak, lol... sounds like you're doing great and good luck on getting it all worked out... if you ever have more questions, I don't mind a PM either, and if I don't know the answer I will say that and refer you to someone who might if possible...

Thank you RavynFallen! I always have questions so just might take you up on that one day! :)
We have currently laying
Easter eggers
Barred Rocks
Rhode Island Reds
Black Sex Links

Of the 6 cross bred chicks, only 1 is a hen. She is a cross between Easter Egger and Red Laced Wyandotte? The one rooster that was slow to crow is her only company. They are about 4 months old.

My silkie babies look like there are Buff, Blue, Black and White. I don't know what a Splash baby looks like, so not sure if I have any.

Chickens are addicting! You can't have just one!!

Here's what we currently have in our rainbow flock:

4 Easter Eggers
3 Barred Rocks
1 Partridge Rock
1 White Rock
1 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
1 Golden Laced Wyandotte
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte
1 Blue Splash Marans
1 Black Copper Marans
1 Blue Ameraucana
1 Black Ameraucana
1 Buff Orpington
1 Lavender Orpington
1 Cream Legbar
1 Black Sumatra
1 Speckled Sussex
1 Golden Campine
1 Silver Spangled Hamburg
1 Rhode Island Red
1 Buckeye
1 Barnevelder
1 Black Australorp
1 Welsummer
1 Olive Egger
1 Sicilian Buttercup

3 Mallards
2 Khaki Campbells
2 Black Cayugas
1 Buff
1 Blue Indian Runner

We're officially DONE for awhile since our coop has finally reached its max. I'm beginning to believe that the "law of expanding possessions" also applies to the coop. Oh, wait a second, there's already a term for that...chicken math!!!
Right now, I have:

1 Silver Sebright rooster
4 Golden Laced Polish hens
2 SebrightxPolish mixes (1 cockerel, 1 pullet)
1 Phoenix bantam pullet
1 Porcelain d'Uccle pullet
1 Barbu d'Anvers pullet

I haven't even had chickens for a full year and Chicken Math already hit me and doubled by small flock!
Here's what we currently have in our rainbow flock:

4 Easter Eggers
3 Barred Rocks
1 Partridge Rock
1 White Rock
1 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
1 Golden Laced Wyandotte
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte
1 Blue Splash Marans
1 Black Copper Marans
1 Blue Ameraucana
1 Black Ameraucana
1 Buff Orpington
1 Lavender Orpington
1 Cream Legbar
1 Black Sumatra
1 Speckled Sussex
1 Golden Campine
1 Silver Spangled Hamburg
1 Rhode Island Red
1 Buckeye
1 Barnevelder
1 Black Australorp
1 Welsummer
1 Olive Egger
1 Sicilian Buttercup

3 Mallards
2 Khaki Campbells
2 Black Cayugas
1 Buff
1 Blue Indian Runner

We're officially DONE for awhile since our coop has finally reached its max. I'm beginning to believe that the "law of expanding possessions" also applies to the coop. Oh, wait a second, there's already a term for that...chicken math!!!

Nice collection!!!! My wife would not let me get any more than what I have now but i would like to have a few more breeds.
update....i recently purchased 2 three month old buff orpington pullets & ten buff chicks....thanks to the wonderful advice on this site about wing sexting i ended up with nine pullets & a roo chick....unfortunately, one pullet chick died when the electricty went out & the heat light went out, it got smushed by the other chicks & the roo chick died mysteriously.....so now i have 2 one year old hens, 2 five month old pullets, 8 two month old pullets, 2 one year old roos, all buff orpingtons along with a one year old americuna roo :D
I have a small rainbow :idunno , but much like trying to name off all 7 of Snow White's dwarves within 15 seconds, it can be difficult to remember them all.  *ahem* 

Adult Flock:

1 Barred Rock

2 Phoenix 
1 OE 
3 EEs
1 Red Sex-Link
1 Salmon Faverolle
2 Silkies
2 New Hampshire Reds
Total: 13 

Adolescent Flock:
2 Tolbunt Polish
2 Pure Bred Ameraucana (from show stock)
5 Barred Rocks
1 Red Sex-Link
4 OEs
Total: 14

6 EE Bantam
1 Black Japanese Bantam
2 Standard EEs
Total: 9

So I'm currently up to 36 chickens. 
And then, to top it off, I have an order of chicks coming in July with 2 German Spitzhaubens, a random "meal maker," Barred Rocks (unsure how many I will keep), and 5 Assorted Polish.  Add to it three broody hens, each with five eggs under them... Chicken crazy indeed. :weee

If you would like a bonus count, I ALSO have:

3 Embden geese
3 Khaki Campbell ducks
2 Buff Orpington ducks
3 Pekin ducks (one crested)
2 Muscovy ducks
4 Bourbon Red turkeys.....

I don't really have that many...:oops:  

Can't wait to read the rest of the replies.:caf

4/5 under a broody hatched. The other two gave up, and one of the turkeys died yesterday, no clue what happened. A girl wanted to buy a couple dozen eggs for the incubator but never picked them up, so I have 36 eggs incubating. I think I'm in trouble. :lol:
Last edited:
This was about a month ago -

2 barred rock pullets 18 weeks old
4 RIR pullets same age 18 weeks
2 silkie pullets same age 12 weeks
2 Buff orpington hens 2 yrs old
1 Wellsummer hen 2 yrs old
3 Buff orp chicks 4 weeks
1 black copper maran chick 4 weeks

This is now - things have changed a bit

2 barred rock pullets just starting to lay
4 RIR pullets just starting to lay
2 silkie pullets ( 1 now after my son accidentally killed the black silkie with the ATV )
2 Buff orpington hens 2 yrs old
1 Wellsummer hen 2 yrs old
3 Buff orp chicks 4 weeks
1 black copper maran pullet not laying
3 silver laced wyandotte chicks
2 barred rock chicks
1 black tailed white Jap bantam chick


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