What do you have in your flock?

We are city dwellers and can only have 3 chickens (I'll have four eventually). Our turn overs are the result of one death (just killed over), two murders (possums-one dead one relocated), one re-homed because it was a roo (no rooster allowed in the city). My girls get to free range while I am outside. We have a hawk in the neighborhood. He/she has taken down several doves.

We are suburban dwellers and have a small cottage backyard for our 5 chicken zone, no roos. But we still get a Cooper's Hawk and high-circling Red-tail Hawk occasionally. What we did to discourage any aerial predator losses is to set up a popup canopy in the backyard, a couple of low lean-to shelters on cinderblocks, 4 large recycled dog houses (the hens use these often), and stickery rosebushes and evergreen plants for the hens to hide/snooze in. The hawk will land on the yard fence or inside the patio and can see our hiding hens but for some reason hawks won't go after the hiding hens - darnedest thing and the Hawk will only be a few feet away from them. Guess the Hawks prefer open yard for swooping down on running chickens but we have many scattered shelters for the hens to hide and so far haven't lost one in 4 years of backyard free ranging - we have two froo-froo fluffy Silkies, an Ameraucana, and a Breda. The neighborhood Crows don't bother our chickens or their feed but the Crows will chase off the Hawks so we love our neighborhood Crows!
5 - Silver Laced Wyandotte
3 - White Leghorn
4 - Plymouth Barred Rock
Soon to lay
8 - Rhode Island Red
3 - Black Copper Marans
Your crew sounds wonderful
I like your ideas for hiding places also. I too am in a rural area and I have 3 girls going on 18 wks old now. I hope we are getting close to the laying stage soon, cause I am running out of patience!!!!
Actually, it's not all that bad, I have found great pleasure in raising my sweeties since they were about 1 week old I know all good things will come to those who wait....
I was wondering something about what you said about your neighborhood crows. Are they a potential predator also??? I didn't think that they were, but I have to say I was in the run talking with my chic-ies the other day and 2 crows were overhead in the maple tree that shades the coop. They began squawking at each other and my girls all turned really still and popped their heads up, listened for a second, then sounded an alerted of a potential aerial problem. I think they also scouted under their coop shortly there after. That should probably answer my question, but they are skittish of airplanes also, so who knows.... Any advise you care to share with me would be greatly appreciated.

Thanx and continued good luck and good heath to you and your crew
Your crew sounds wonderful
I like your ideas for hiding places also. I too am in a rural area and I have 3 girls going on 18 wks old now. I hope we are getting close to the laying stage soon, cause I am running out of patience!!!!
Actually, it's not all that bad, I have found great pleasure in raising my sweeties since they were about 1 week old I know all good things will come to those who wait....
I was wondering something about what you said about your neighborhood crows. Are they a potential predator also??? I didn't think that they were, but I have to say I was in the run talking with my chic-ies the other day and 2 crows were overhead in the maple tree that shades the coop. They began squawking at each other and my girls all turned really still and popped their heads up, listened for a second, then sounded an alerted of a potential aerial problem. I think they also scouted under their coop shortly there after. That should probably answer my question, but they are skittish of airplanes also, so who knows.... Any advise you care to share with me would be greatly appreciated.

Thanx and continued good luck and good heath to you and your crew

In 4 years we've done a lot to expand hiding places for the hens. We started out with no shelter and noticed our original 3 hens snoozed under the climbing rosebush against the fence. So then we set up a 6-ft long plywood board resting low on cinderblocks against the fence and the hens snoozed under it during the day. Then we added a medium doghouse from the thrift store and to our surprise the Silkies loved the little house to take naps. Then we expanded with a pop-up canopy for a larger shade area (we have no tree). Then we added another plywood shelter in another section of the yard and then 3 more recycled large doghouses - all used by the chickens to hide/snooze away from aerial predators. Stray cats get chased out by our chickens who "gang-up" on the intruders.

As for Crows we have had no problems. On other BYC threads we've discussed the value of Crows. They will keep the Hawks and other birds out of the neighborhood. Crows will perch on our telephone poles and rooftops and "caw" to each other across the neighborhood but they have never come down into our yard or bothered our vegetable garden, hens, or the feed/treats. The hens are not bothered by the Crows cawing - maybe because they trust them and have plenty of hiding places available just in case. The Cooper's Hawk comes by the yard only when the Crows aren't around. However, Crows like any other predator-type bird WILL go after chicks or ducklings so I definitely would not trust having baby or juvenile poultry in an open range area.

Chickens are funny birds. They get used to hearing traffic, horns honking, helicopters and airplanes overhead, lawnmowers starting up, heavy equipment noises - they get used to the common everyday neighborhood machinery - but if a Mylar balloon goes floating by overhead they will eye it suspiciously until it floats miles away before they go back to "foraging as usual!" My DH's loud sneezes scare the chickens so he has learned to muffle allergy sneezes into his sleeve!

Enjoy your birds!

All great ideas! Our yards are all side by side and back to back, so we are surrounded by all kinds of neighborhood noises. Mainly a bunch of kids yelling and having a grand time in their pool behind the coop area. My girls don't seem to care one bit, though. But as you said, if one new thing is introduced, they must check on it. We also have a small airport close by, and this being Saratoga Springs in August, there's a lot of air traffic and some jet action too. Mine are just starting to do some free-ranging in the yard, so they are still very leery of the bigger area and they stay close to their coop and run in case. I'd love to see your setup. Have you shared some pix w/BYCs before? I will post a few of my shots if you're interested also.

Take care and keep your ladies happy and laying

All great ideas! Our yards are all side by side and back to back, so we are surrounded by all kinds of neighborhood noises. Mainly a bunch of kids yelling and having a grand time in their pool behind the coop area. My girls don't seem to care one bit, though. But as you said, if one new thing is introduced, they must check on it. We also have a small airport close by, and this being Saratoga Springs in August, there's a lot of air traffic and some jet action too. Mine are just starting to do some free-ranging in the yard, so they are still very leery of the bigger area and they stay close to their coop and run in case. I'd love to see your setup. Have you shared some pix w/BYCs before? I will post a few of my shots if you're interested also.

Take care and keep your ladies happy and laying

We're in the middle of remodeling and refurbishing but I'll go through some pics & have DH help me upload them since I'm not puter savvy
Wow...you folks must be pros, lol. My wife and I have recently started raising chickens. We've raised Guineas and turkeys, but new to chickens. We only have:

4 Barred Rocks
2 Cuckoo Marans

They are all 12 days old and we have been at it for about a week, lol. So fun to watch and so much to learn. But we're having a blast.
Wow...you folks must be pros, lol. My wife and I have recently started raising chickens. We've raised Guineas and turkeys, but new to chickens. We only have:

4 Barred Rocks
2 Cuckoo Marans

They are all 12 days old and we have been at it for about a week, lol. So fun to watch and so much to learn. But we're having a blast.

Fun!! Hope you have a great experience with them!
Black Australorp
Rhode Island Red
White Leghorn
Speckled Sussex
Red Ranger
Easter Egger
Black Sex Link
Barnyard Mutts
Production Red
Lavender Orpington
Old English Game Bantams
Cochin Bantams
For a total of 73 :) With some Silkie hatching eggs on the way and already planning what I want next year.

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